If you struggle with your job, it might be time to consider leaving. Before developing your exit plan and start contacting a staffing company, though, you want to make sure you’ve really hit the end of the road. Here are five signs it really is time to find a new job.
- You are filled with dread at the thought of Monday morning. Everyone feels dissatisfied and restless at work once in a while. Anyone can get into a rut. But if you find yourself consistently feeling sick and depressed at the thought that Monday’s coming, this is more than just a rut. It’s important, though, before you run to a temp agency to sign up, to figure out what is making you feel this way. Write down the positives and negatives of your job and try to identify what’s truly making you unhappy. Then you know what to look for when you sign up with a staffing company.
- You don’t agree with the company’s mission. Maybe you’ve outgrown them. Maybe you’ve simply chosen a different path. We all need a sense of purpose when we work, and if your company isn’t working towards a goal you can believe in, it might be time to quit. If you feel disconnected from the mission, or constantly find yourself more engaged by the goals of a different department, it’s probably time to find another mission you can support wholeheartedly. One good way to test the waters is with temporary employment agencies. Through a staffing company you have the chance to try different companies before making a final decision.
- The company is going through upheaval. If you really love your job and believe in the mission, it might be worth putting your head down and plowing through. But if the company has had a lot of layoff rounds, this means there are still unresolved issues. You might be next, so it might be worth contacting a staffing company to give yourself options. If your company is acquired this could be good: or they might start cleaning house and leave you in the lurch. Creating options for yourself never hurts.
- You are not being personally challenged. If you hit a plateau, that’s a sign it might be time to move on. If you love the place where you work, ask about training opportunities or new projects. There might not be any, though, and if that’s the case you might do well to look for opportunities for employment somewhere else: somewhere where you can grow.
If you find yourself bored with your job, if you’ve outgrown it if you dread Monday mornings, or if you’re just looking for a new challenge, consider seeing what a staffing company might have that could set you on the road to personal fulfillment and greater job satisfaction. It might be the best decision you ever make.