When it comes to heating and cooling your business, there are more options than ever before available — believe it or not! When it comes time to repair or replace your current system, there are a lot of factors you?re going to need to keep in mind. Let?s review exactly what?s important to know.
Counter Flow Units
These can be quite compact, while still yielding a large output. They can also be suspended from ceilings. If you are interested in Exhausto fans, the Airflow 120 may suit your needs, or alternatively, the Airflow 400. Quiet operation is a key part of all available models.
Rotary Units
These units can be transported through a doorway and offer flexible spigot locations. They can be placed indoor or outdoors, allowing for greater locational flexibility. They use advanced control systems, and can often be purchased with a highly efficient rotor — thus improving overall efficiency.
Cross Flow Units
Cross flow units offered by Exhausto fans often feature two types of cross-flow heat exchangers. Additionally, they can have integral water heating coils or electric heating coils. Flexible spigot locations are a noted bonus.
Centrifugal Fans
Commercial centrifugal fans are crafted for heavy duty air movement applications. This can be a factory, or it could be a restaurant that requires a heavy duty movement of air. Stainless steel and aluminum are commonly used thanks to their cost and durability.
Laminar Fan
Laminar fans are popular on hospitals thanks to their ability to circulate air up to 300 times an hour. This can be important in an environment where you want air to be filtered constantly in order to avoid the spread of disease from sick individuals to individuals who may have compromised immune systems due to illness, medication, surgery etc.
In other words; there are many types of available fans. So what should you look for in quality equipment? Not surprisingly, you want to opt for a manufacturer that has a history of customer satisfaction. You may also want to consider how important a warranty is to you; if you need to repair the unit, would it be incredibly expensive? In which case, a longer warranty for the product is a wise decision.
Whether it’s for a restaurant or a department store, you want to know your options. Let us know if you have any additional facts or tips.