Before you begin pilot training, start by truly committing to the process of learning to fly a plane. As the video points out, flight instruction costs a lot of money and time. You will need to make a deposit of $5,000 to $10,000 before beginning classes.
You won’t receive a refund if you change your mind and drop out, so decide before taking the steps to start that you want to earn your pilot’s license.
Also, choose the level of license that you want to earn before registering, making your hefty deposit, and starting classes. Do you want to earn a commercial pilot’s license, or do you want to fly a private plane, such as a Cessna? Would you be satisfied if you earned a recreational pilot license, or do you want to earn a private pilot license and fly as an instrument-rated pilot?
Consider the six levels of licensing offered by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the ratings that you can earn to add to them, such as instrument rating and multi-engine rating. Set your goal before beginning school.
There’s a lot to learn and consider before beginning pilot training. Decide between private lessons, flight school, or college.