There are a variety of private businesses and professional services that are legally bound to shred confidential documents. Doctors and health insurance providers are just two of the medically-oriented organizations that are required to shred files containing sensitive personal information, including financial data.
Due to the sensitive personal and financial information contained within these documents, there are state as well as federal laws that require medical organizations to have comprehensive data-destruction plans. Furthermore, this applies to all medical organizations without exception.
Even though a major percentage of data is stored and accessed on computers, an estimated 95% of business information continues to be stored on paper. In order to maintain the security and confidentiality of this information, it is imperative that a reliable data storage and destruction system is in place.
If you’re not sure what documents can be destroyed, you can refer to the state and federal laws that govern your business and/or practice. These government offices can also provide you with information about other relevant regulations, such as how long you are required to maintain certain types of documents.
Information theft alone costs businesses in the United States nearly $24 billion every year, according to the FBI. It is also important to note that while online interactions account for less that ten percent of identity theft cases, this is still a cause for concern.
Even though document shredding may be mandatory for sensitive information, this process also contributes to recycling efforts. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has indicated that approximately 80% of the United States’ paper mills have been designed to process recycled paper. Much of this recycled paper has come from shredding and recycling programs.
When paper is recycled, it also reduces pollution. According to the EPA, as a result of paper recycling efforts, there is 35% less water pollution and 74% less air pollution.
Yet another benefit of having a secure shredding service available is that it can reduce the risk of fires. Furthermore, when you shred documents that you no longer need to maintain, it can also increase the amount of office space available.
When you do need to keep these files, but don’t need to access the information contained within them on a regular basis, utilizing the services of a secure document storage company can also create more office storage space.
When you consider the amount of information that you need to maintain and process, having effective document management solutions in place can make a difference in your day-to-day operations. Consider this selection of services available through a local document storage company:
- Secure document storage
- Paper shredding services
- File scanning and imaging
- Computer hard drive destruction
If you’re concerned about the cost of document shredding services, you may be able to locate free document shredding services in your area. However, given the sensitivity of the information that you may choose or be mandated to destroy, it’s more important to employ the services of a secure document storage company.