The value of charitable donations in helping military families cannot be overstated. It is remarkable what a difference it can make in the lives of a family to have clothing and household goods provided for them when they are struggling financially. If you have items you are no longer using, donating them has the power to change lives.
Clothes Donations
Nearly 5 billion pounds of clothing are donated every year in the United States. In part, this is because of the high level of need in many areas. Warm clothing in the winter is imperative and yet far too many families are unable to afford adequate cold weather clothing.
Another pressing need is for children’s clothing as they are so quickly outgrown. During the holidays it is far more common for donations to go up, yet there is a need for donations throughout the year. One easy way to make donating children’s clothes a habit is to take a box of clothing each time your child goes up a size.
Household Donations
Household donations can include a wide variety of items. Large pieces of furniture such as tables, chairs, sofas, and bed frames can be donated. Small household appliances such as televisions, computers, video-game consoles, hair dryers, and blenders are also appreciated when you decide to upgrade to the latest model.
An often overlooked benefit of donating household items is that in many instances this will keep them from being taken to a landfill. Even if an item has cosmetic flaws, if it is still functional it is likely that a charitable organization would be happy to repurpose it for a family in need.
Choosing a Reputable Charity
Annual donations to charitable organizations were more than $3.5 billion in 2014. This is a substantial amount of money to entrust to others and great care should be given in deciding which charities are best able to distribute the donations in a responsible manner. There are several key things to look for when choosing a charity.
First, decide what causes speak most to your personal values. This will help narrow the options considerably. For example, if helping military families is something that is important to you, it would be important for the charity you choose to be well known for that type of work. Then check that they are officially registered as a nonprofit with tax-exempt status with the IRS. Finally, ask about their mission statement, goals, accomplishments, and charity finances.
Helping military families who are struggling does not have to be done with monetary contributions. There are many families who are in need of clothing and household donations throughout the country. By taking your donations to charities that pay special attention to military veterans and their families you will ensure your items make their way to a military family in need.