Each year, electrical hazards are responsible for more than 300 deaths and 4,000 injuries for U.S. workers. In order to ensure that everything is in working order, it is important that your wires and cables are able to function to the best of their ability to help lower the chance of an accident. One way to make sure that everyone will remain safe is by investing in wire protectors, such as abrasion resistant sleeves or expandable braided sleeving.
As there are many different options available when it comes to wire protectors, it can be overwhelming at times if you try to take on the task alone. If you are unsure about what type of wire protectors you need or if your current protection is good enough, continue on for helpful tips on this topic.
Are Your Wire Protectors Up to Date
Even if you think you already have wire covers that are keeping you safe, it may be time to replace them. For example, homes that were built in the last 50 years are likely safe because the wires are covered using non-metallic sheathed cables. However, if your home was built more than 50 years ago, you may want to look into the type of sleeve installation that was used.
Investing in a new silicone rubber coated sleeve or getting a new safety cable kit for your home can help bring old wire covering up to date. This will help ensure the safety of your home and help prevent electrical related accidents from occuring.
What Type of Wire Covers do You Need
There are many different types of wire sleeves available for you to choose from. This is nice on one hand because it means that there are multiple options out there that will meet a variety of needs. However, it can be hard to know if you need a heat resistant wire sleeve or an oil repellent treatment sleeve if you are unfamiliar with wire protectors.
The good news is that there are experts out there that can easily help you find out what type of sleeve will work the best for your needs. As the type of wire sleeving needed will depend on the kind of wire or cable that is being used along with the nature or environment that the wire is in, it is best to seek out a professional to ensure that you get the proper protection.
Protected Cables can Last Longer
Safety is not the only reason why it is good to invest in wire covers. Keeping your wires protected can also prolong their life, which means you spend less money and time on replacing or repairing them.
As the covers are there to protect against outside forces such as mostuiture, temperature, and other elements, the wire sleeves are also preventing damage from the wires which would render them unable to function. So not only are the wire protectors keeping you safe from electrical related accidents, they are also saving you from constantly needing to replace your wires.
Given the many benefits of investing in proper protection for your wires, it seems like now is the perfect time to look into new safety cable tool kits. By updating wire sleeves and getting help from professionals, you will be able to rest easy knowing that your wires are protected from damage and electrical problems.