Water is an essential of life, there is certainly no doubting this fact. After all, we need water to live, as the typical human will only be able to without water for a maximum of three to four days, if even. Even in our everyday lives, mild dehydration can play a negative role in how we function and how we feel and almost everyone, even here in the United States, could benefit from drinking more water than they currently are.
And water isn’t just used for consumption here in the United States and all around the world. In fact, the typical home in the United States will use a tremendous amount of water on a daily basis, with the average person using up nearly 90 gallons of water (around 88 gallons of it, to be just a little bit more specific) over the course of a single day. From washing dishes to bathing to even performing basic tasks like brushing teeth, water has many applications – and daily ones at that – in the typical household of the United States.
And water for the average home can come from a few different sources. For instance, the use of private wells is likely more commonplace than the average person realizes. As a matter of fact, there are as many as 15 million households that rely on private wells all throughout the country, a number that has continued to grow over the years. And private wells certainly don’t even provide access to water for the vast majority of people here in the United States, thats for sure.
Most people get their water supplied through public water systems, which are commonplace in just about every single part of this country. In fact, the relatively small state of New Hampshire alone has more than 2,000 such public water systems all throughout the state. And larger states are likely to have considerably more. This means that up to 64% of all people in the state are getting their water from these public water systems, while just over 30% are getting their water from private wells instead, though nearly 5,000 new wells for private use are being built on a yearly basis.
Water quality is something that must still be considered, however, even though water treatment systems will ensure that all water supplied by public water systems will be safe to consume. However, though water treatment for residents is a given, water hardness can still persist. Of course, water hardness is also likely to be common in home with wells as well, and these private wells will need some kind of water purification system as well, to ensure that their water is safe to drink, as it will not be treated for water treatment and filtration automatically as publicly sourced water is.
Regardless of your water source, hard water can be difficult to deal with, causing everything from spotty dishes to dehydration, as people with hard water are likely to drink less water to avoid the taste of it, which can be unpleasant. Spotty dishes might seem like a small thing to deal with, but even just spotty dishes can be a big detriment to having hard water, as these spotty dishes are likely to stay spotty and lower in quality as long as hard water is uses. And aside from spotty dishes, hard water can cause staining and discoloration in everything from sinks to bathtubs too – pretty much everywhere that this hard water would be used on a regular basis.
So if you’re tired of spotty dishes and everything else that comes along with the use of hard water, you can get a water filtration or purification system for your own home, or else a water softening system. While hard water is safe to use, it can certainly be unpleasant to do so, causing everything from spotty dishes to an unpleasant taste, and using a water softening system in your home can make a big difference in the overall quality of your water. For many people, installing a water softener proves to be well worth the cost at the end of the day.