Signage comes in all shapes and sizes, of this there is no doubt. From signage for businesses to signs for churches to marquee signs for schools, signage of all kinds is utilized in many different ways. In fact, signs for municipalities and signs for government buildings are also very important. Signage plays an important role in our society as we know it, a role that is not likely to go away anytime soon.
For one thing, school marquee signs are highly utilized in communities throughout the country. School marquee signs allow for students and parents alike to learn about important school events, as well as potential dates of school closure. School events might include events like school concerts, school plays, and school sporting events. School academic events might also be listed on outdoor signs for schools like scrolling marquee signs. And a great many schools highlight various student accomplishments on these scrolling marquee signs as well. Therefore, it is clear to see the importance of school electronic sigsns, from school scrolling marquee signs to even outdoor LED signs for schools.
In addition to this, church marquee signs are also commonplace and popular. After all, there is at least one church in just about any and every community found in the United States. Churches are just about as prevalent as schools, as a matter of fact. In some places, religious institutions might be even more so (though this will certainly vary depending on the part of the country in question). A church marquee sign is likely to be used in a number of ways, much as school marquee signs are. A church marquee sign, for instance, can contain information about important dates much as outdoor LED school signs often do. From worship times to events, outdoor church signs can prove essential for informing the larger church community. Church marquee signs can also be used to inspire the community, providing and displaying inspirational quotes and lines of scripture. For many, therefore, church marquee signs serve quite the important role indeed.
And aside from church marquee signs and outdoor school signs, digital signs for businesses are also widespread. Signage as a form of advertising is, after all, very important – even critical. Take a look at the prevalence of billboards, for example. Billboards are so commonplace here in the United States that more than 70% of all people pay attention to them to at least some extent. And more than one third of all people will notice and take into consideration just about every single billboard that they pass by. As up to 68% of all consumers will make at least some portion of their shopping decisions while still in the car, it is clear to see how billboards can be used for advertising in a very profound way.
The data that has been gathered on the outcome of using billboards as advertising only supports this claim. For one thing, more than 30% of all consumers who saw a billboard of note later visited the retail location advertised on said billboard, all within the span of just one week. In addition to this, more than 55% of all adults in the United States have found an event of interest on a billboard as well. The same percentage of adults (58%, to be more exact) have found a restaurant they were interested in attending as well.
Electric business signs, perhaps even outdoor LED business signs, are also beneficial when utilized directly outside of a place of business as well. In fact, erecting a sign of this nature – or replacing an older sign with one that is more up to date – is something that can boost overall revenue by more than 7%. Signage has also been found to draw in more walk in customers. After all, Best Buy alone sees more than 15% of their walk in customers enter a Best Buy location thanks to the signage alone. And marquee signs for businesses can alert customers to the existence of a business in the first place, another fact that is supported by data on the subject. This data shows that more than 30% of all customers found out about a business thanks to signage.