Here in the United States, there is a great deal of concern about employee retention rates. As a matter of fact, the data that has been gathered on the subject is more than in support of this claim, showing that more than half of all organizations (around 57% of them, to be just a bit more exact) now express a good deal of concern over rates of employee retention. And there is good reason for them to have this concern, of this there is just no doubt.
For one thing, it has been found that by the June of the year of 2015 alone, more than two and a half million people had left their jobs – and on a voluntary basis, for that matter. This marked a considerable increase in such activity from years past and is a number that has only continued to grow and grow in the years that have transpired since. Such behavior has really only become commonplace, as a matter of fact. Data gathered on the subject also shows, after all, that more than one fifth (around 22%) of all new hires here in the United States will leave their jobs within less than two months of starting them – on average, after around 45 days. It should come as no real surprise, therefore, that more than 45% (around 46%, to be just a bit more exact) of all human resources professionals feel that it is employee retention that is the number one problem being faced by our workforce – employee engagement, another pressing problem, doesn’t even come close.
After all, the toll that is taken by high rates of employee turnover can be a dramatic one. For one thing, it costs any given company a great deal of money indeed. Over the course of a single year, more than $10 billion can be lost to employee turnover alone – and that’s just here in the United States, let alone elsewhere all throughout the world. When it comes to the cost of employee turnover, it can even end up costing around 150% of what that employee’s salary was. And it won’t cost any less than 30% of the salary at the very least.
Fortunately, there are steps that can be taken to mitigate such issues. For one thing staffing services such as Dallas job agencies can be utilized to fill the gap left by any quick employee turnover. Dallas job agencies and other such temp agencies and staffing companies have become more necessary than ever. During the holiday season, the work of Dallas job agencies and the like becomes more important than ever. After all, an additional half of a million or so people were needed to be brought on during the holiday season in the year of 2016 alone. That number has remained consistently high in the nearly half of a decade that has now transpired since. But Dallas job agencies and temporary employment agencies are important throughout the course of the entire year. After all, as many as three million people are now working in temporary or contract work. For some people, this work might develop into more full time and long term positions, but many are not even looking for something like this to occur. For companies in need, Dallas job agencies of this nature can serve a critically important role, of this there is very little doubt indeed.
At the end of the day, there is just no denying that the role of Dallas staffing agencies and various temp services throughout the country can be very important indeed when it comes to battling back against high rates of employee turnover and poor rates of employee retention. Being able to keep your place of work well staffed is something that can certainly benefit you in the long run, of this there is just no doubt. Fortunately, Dallas job agencies have become more prevalent than ever – and not just Dallas job agencies, but temporary staffing services all throughout the country.