Digital marketing can seem like a jungle. A flurry of information everywhere you go, pitfalls around every corner and a plethora of potential just waiting to be unearthed by the truly brave. Where does your brand stand amid the pack? When you need to get a few extra eyes on your product or help your services reach locals, an SEO company can make sure you’re not venturing into the wild without some good tools. Utilizing search engines to bring useful information to those who want it most, SEO is a smart and modern way of combining old methods with new techniques. Need tips? Keep reading and find out what you’re missing.
Give Your Website A Touch-Up
There’s no reason for your website to be in disarray. It’s the digital first impression that will greet the vast majority of your client base, so make sure it looks good and is easy to navigate. A site that’s even a mere two years old can be considered antiquated by most standards if it hasn’t kept up with industry changes, such as browser changes and functionality on portable devices.
Customize Your Website For Mobile
Most shopping and browsing is done on-the-go. Why? Americans young and old are busy people. When your website isn’t customized for mobile it risks losing a massive amount of customers to the competition. Studies have seen 60% of companies that designed a website specifically to be mobile-friendly had increased sales compared to those that did not. When the average buyer consults 11 customer reviews before purchasing, it’s important to not give them reasons to hit the back button!
Try The Less-Is-More Approach
Think your website looks good? Think again. A common mistake made by many is creating websites that are noisy, cluttered and too flashy. Less is more when it comes to design and the best sites are ones that favor a minimalist approach to color theory and text placement. If your website doesn’t tell your customers what you do in three seconds or less, as much as 40% of people will abandon it entirely. Nix the memory hungry advertisements and reduce your colors to two or three. You’ll find it quite efficient!
Bolster Your Social Media Presence
Let’s not forget one of the best tools in most companies’ arsenal. Social media is a fun, informative and engaging way to present useful advertisement and updates to newcomers and return customers alike. Unfortunately, some companies haven’t yet mastered the art of Twitter or Instagram. Although 80% of companies now have dedicated social media teams, up 65% from a few years prior, a recent survey saw at least 82% of consumers saying they had a bad social media marketing memory! An SEO company can help buff out these issues to create a streamlined experience for everyone up and down the ladder.
Seek Out An SEO Company
How does an SEO company handle digital marketing? Simply put, they make it easier for customers to actually find your website, social media account and related digital marketing exploits. They utilize search engines to provide short, informative content to hungry consumers to make sure they’re not wasting their time getting lost in the shuffle. Content creation and management are now the second-largest share of digital marketing budgets. Where will you put yours over the coming year?