When people think of a bail bonding company, they think of someone who is rolling around in money and they don’t know what to do with it. The thing is, a bail bonding service is just like any other business and they can struggle too. In this video, we see a struggling bail bondsman trying to figure out how to stir up business. The problem with finding work for bail bondsmen is that they are typically in over congested areas where other bail bondsmen set up shop. So on top of finding the criminals looking for bail, you’re competing with other businesses doing the same thing you’re doing.
The other issue is the fact that you are dealing with criminals. There are many situations where a criminal will post bail, but then not pay the company because they feel they can get away with it. This makes life as a bail bondsman difficult because half the time you’ll be chasing your client if they decide they don’t want to pay. There are even bonds companies that hire people to only go after clients that don’t end up paying.