Fall is in full swing and winter is on the way. The art of camping is one taken year-round.
Understanding the passion of your future customers is key to crafting a campground franchise with a long lifespan. Roughing it under the open stars and relaxing in cabins is an old American pasttime that has yet to fall out of favor. Not only do families love taking an extended break in the heart of the wilderness, they also enjoy convenient amenities that allow them to cook, play, and mingle the hours away. Your real estate investment trust needs to be a careful balance of practical and modern, particularly with your audience of today having very different needs than a few decades ago.
Which campgrounds for sale reign supreme? Study up and get your business off the ground the right way.
Even if you’ve never camped before, it’s not hard to see what people keep coming back to time and time again. It could be the location, close enough not to be too heavy of a drive and far enough to still be a home away from home. It could also be the amenities, offering a splash of comfort with available wi-fi or a big fire pit. Speaking with friends or acquaintances that regularly camp can be an eye-opener for helping you choose the right real estate investment trust. Looking up studies will only confirm what these first-hand anecdotes.
A campground that’s not family-friendly can fail before it’s even begun. According to a Kampgrounds Of America study, a solid 20% of campers ranked a campsite being ‘kid friendly’ as a major plus. This means having plenty of shelter, fun amenities, and located somewhere that isn’t too far from civilization in case of emergencies. Take a look at another study concerning demographics. Data has shown around 65% of campers either being married or living with a partner. Not only do Americans love to camp, they love to camp with family and friends.
Will your campsite business be accessible to RV enthusiasts? That’s another way to better determine your future success. The RVIA estimated there are as many as 30 million RV enthusiasts across the nation, including RV renters and brand-new drivers. The country boasts over 12,000 RV-related businesses and rakes in an annual revenue of $35 billion. Double-check your real estate investment trust and make sure it has extra space, parking locations, and charge sites available to ensure all campers are seeing their ultimate weekend come true.
Amenities are a major boon to campers both frequent and occasional. While roughing it is certainly a source of appeal for some, others are more hesitant to let go of the Internet or could use a little more comfort. Among the top three most important things to campers today is access to free wi-fi, whether for casually browsing after a swimming session or a sense of security. Another 80% of campers, according to an industry study, participate in outdoor cooking while camping. Family campgrounds should be a perfect blend of nature and modern life.
Your real estate investment trust won’t do much if the basics aren’t met. Camping today has incorporating more modern technology while still being very much a relic of the past. Today six out of 10 households report one or more of the residents has gone camping recently. Families love a location that’s kid-friendly, while couples and individuals will greatly appreciate amenities that give them a dash of extra comfort. Even better? The campsite is its own word-of-mouth, with campers today preferring to visit the same location year after year rather than switching it up.
It’s always a good time to go camping. Make sure your investment real estate gets this across in its design and approach.