Farming is an industry as old as time. On the other hand, solar panels are relatively new technology. Most people generally don’t think of these two topics in the same sentence. However, the marriage of agriculture and solar power could increase both crop yields and solar production. In this video, you will learn about this synergy known as Agrivoltaics.
If you are considering Agrivoltaics for yourself, consult a farm electrical service to learn more.
Solar farms and traditional farms both take up large areas of land. How could both be achieved on the same plot of land. Well, crops on grown underneath solar panels that act as a protective roof. The solar panels protect plants from the scorching sun or even hail. You may be thinking that less sunlight is not good for plants. However, plants have a maximum amount of sunlight that they can absorb. Anything pass this threshold is not useful. Certain plants such as raspberries actually grow better in shade. This is especially true in hot climates where crop yield in the shade may actually be higher than out in the open. Further, these solar panels provide farmers with a sustainable way to power their farms. They can even sell the extra energy to their community. This powerful synergy between crops and solar panels may mean that we see Agrivoltaics take off in the future.