If you are currently a General Counsel, experienced mediator, or other legal professional who routinely deals with bankruptcy law, contract disputes, or partnership dissolution settlements, you are most likely well aware that these cases can be lengthy and quite complex. Depending on the circumstances and details of the case, it could be years before it is finally adjudicated, if it ever makes it to court at all.
Cases that revolve around chapter 11 bankruptcy in particular have many moving parts such as the petition, operating reports, disclosure statements, and meetings with debtors and creditors.
The effort that goes into complex commercial litigation is often not worth the hours involved because many of these clients have less than 10 million dollars in annual company revenue and typically just a few dozen employees. With this level of assets and workers, it may be more feasible to seek arbitration or to consider some type of mediation service for these special cases.
Our firm can offer you professional resolution of these matters using experience from former federal judges who fully understand the rules and inner workings of the federal justice system but who apply that knowledge via arbitration and our unique system.
With more than 50 former federal judges at our disposal, we are able to offer far greater speed when compared to a normal trial, cost effectiveness, and agreements that are easily enforceable. What this means to you is increased efficiency in handling these high level cases without committing a tremendous amount of time and resources.
You will have access to judges that have handled hundreds of complicated cases and who can guide you on the path to settle your case without getting tied up in the federal system. Whether you are dealing with some form of bankruptcy law, or a similar kind of case, you will be able to expedite the process for your client.
In addition to the hands-on experience of our legal professionals, you will also have the use of specialized case management productivity software that tracks numerous kinds of reports including any involving bankruptcy law. Combine that with the 7 day availability of dedicated case managers and you are prepared for success.
If you are considering taking a bankruptcy law case through the normal channels of the federal court system, it might be helpful to evaluate the benefits of Alternative Dispute Resolution and avoid the costly road of a typical trial.