There is always somebody who is looking for the right outfit for that job interview so they can get a fresh start in life. There are many families who don’t know where to turn when it comes to finding affordable outfits, especially for the growing family. There are military families who could use the charitable donation of clothing, which you provided to them out of the kindness of your heart. No matter who is looking for the right outfit, you may wonder where to donate clothes to make a difference in somebody’s life. You may wonder where to donate clothes and when to donate clothes, and the answer is out there, with many locations with a clothing drop off in your very neighborhood.
The truth is, clothes donations are changing the way we help others. Nobody wants to waste clothing. In fact, in 2006, 2.5 billion pounds of fabric were kept from the landfills due to used-clothing purchases. The total giving to charitable organizations was over $300 billion in 2014 alone! That’s making a huge difference for those who shop secondhand clothing as their first option, all the time. From growing families to helping military families in need, your donation makes a difference.
Secondhand is Becoming a First Choice
For many, secondhand clothing is becoming their first choice, and the most affordable choice indeed. 45% of recycled clothing is worn as secondhand clothing. Americans recycle or donate about 15% of their clothing, and we want to see this number skyrocket, since about 10.5 million tons of clothing is sent off to the landfill every year. Textiles actually account for 5% of municipal waste. The unfortunate truth is that many families could have used that clothing, and it could also benefit you, the donator. Did you know that any charitable donation over $250 will help you write off majorly on your taxes? There are some items that could make a huge difference to you at tax time, such as men’s overcoats, which are worth about $60 at time of tax write-off. These are things to consider when you are looking for the best ways to gain extra cash around that time.
You may wonder when to donate clothes and the answer is simple: Any time you have clothing you don’t want or need anymore! You could be making a difference for an entire family, and that’s all the difference in the world.