If you are considering parking lot paving, you need to watch this video. This video addresses a lot of the frequently asked questions you may have about parking lot paving. Learn about how long you can expect new paving to last and resurfacing.
There are tips and tricks for extending the life of your parking lot. This video from Chris Paving LLC can help you to determine if resurfacing your parking lot or reconstructing your parking lot is the right choice for your property. Alligator cracks are addressed in the video and it is explained that alligator cracking is a good indicator that the substrate underneath your parking lot is failing. However, if the alligator cracks are confined to a small area you may still be able to have repairs done.
There is a lot of useful information contained in this video that will help you to better understand how to make an informed decision about parking lot repair, resurfacing and reconstruction. Watch the video now to learn more about parking lot resurfacing, repair, and reconstruction.