Depending on the job or task at hand, most engineers need a variety of different types of equipment. Often, they might find themselves in need of a torque measurement product that can somehow be integrated into a piece of equipment. Torque measurement products need to be able to operate in a variety of different conditions — both very cold and very hot. For that matter, they need to be designed with withstand a good amount of stress, as well as with the sensors necessarily to properly measure force. Below, we’ll look into some of the different products on the market that can aid in force measurement, among other things. With the right products, an engineer can not only do a better job, but be less likely to make errors in calculation. This could lead to a much safer working environment, as well end products that are what clients asked for.
Hydraulic Load Cells: The Basics
Hydraulic load cells fall into a greater category of load cells in general. Load cells are transducers that create electrical signals with magnitudes that are directly proportional to the force that is being measured. Aside from hydraulic load cells, there are also strain gauge load cells, diaphragm load cells, spool type load cell, and ring type load cells. The different types of load cells are dependent on the primary and secondary elements that are used to sense the force. Hydraulic load cells are perhaps notable for the temperatures at which they can operate — they can operate at temperatures as low as -76 degrees Fahrenheit, and often do. Of course, most load cells do use strain gauge technology, which has been utilized for 40 years. Usually, they are used as a part of a weighing system because they offer non-intrusive load data that is highly accurate. When properly installed and calibrated, load cells can achieve accuracies of .03 to 1%, depending on the load cell type.
Calibration: How Does It Work, And When Should It Occur?
When it comes to calibrating torque measurement products, recalibration usually needs to occur at a regular rate depending on the product. These standards usually specify the maximum period between recalibration as being every two years. If the instrument deteriorates during that period, it should occur more frequently. Often, calibration involves comparing the measurements of two different instruments — one with a known magnitude, and one against which you measure the unit under test.
Torque Sensor Units: Their Limits
Torque sensors can exceed their calibration limit; but then they should be exercised only to their nominal capacities and calibrated to 36,000 in. They can, fortunately, operate in a wide variety of temperatures; these can range from -452 degrees Fahrenheit to 450 degrees Fahrenheit. Their limits in terms of heat and cold, therefore, are a bit stronger.