Advertising has driven commerce for hundreds of years. In the 21st century, this is largely divided between print advertising and digital advertising, both of which have become very expensive. This is where a co-op marketing agency can come into play. Co-op advertising, according to Entrepreneur/a>, is when advertisements specifically mention manufacturers who, in return, pay the retailer back in whole or in part for the cost of the advertisement. A co-op agency provides such advertising opportunities to retailers. The benefit of this arrangement is that smaller retailers can now afford advertising, which can help increase their business.
There are tens of billions of dollars for co-op marketing that go unclaimed every year. Co op money like this can be a great benefit to your business, if you can get it. One of the best ways to get a hand on this unclaimed money is to demonstrate to a co-op agency that your advertising can reach a wide audience. To do this, you need to employ advertising tactics that get noticed, and this can be done by making use of advertising on social media and the Internet.
Your brand is over 50 times more likely to rank on the first page of Google when you use videos in your advertisement. The average person watches 1 and a half hours of online video in an average day. Advertisers can tap into this by using videos in their advertisements, which can attract a larger audience and prove to a co-op agency that investing more money for co op marketing with you would be a wise decision. The best places to advertise with videos are YouTube (which is growing increasingly popular for short ads) and Facebook, which is one of the most popular social media sites in the world.
In conclusion, co-op advertising is when a retailer releases an ad that specifically mentions a manufacturer, who then pays the retailer back in whole or in part for the cost of the advertisement. This arrangement is put together by a co-op agency, which specializes in bringing advertising opportunities to retailers. The primary benefit of this arrangement is that smaller retailers can now afford advertising when they might not have been able to afford it before. Co-op advertising is a beneficial arrangement for both the retailer and the manufacturer.