Throughout the United States, people depend on the help of fire and emergency services. Considering that, these services need to have a way to obtain equipment and vehicles in order to efficiently help those in need. Fortunately, fire and emergency services equipment government contracts make this goal easy to achieve. The GSA Schedules program is broken down in 30 separate schedules that are categorized by the industries this program serves. In this post, you’ll learn how GSA Schedules help fire and emergency service departments.
Obtaining Emergency Vehicles
In order for fire and emergency service workers to reach their respective destinations, they need to utilize vehicles. While dealing with emergency situations, standard vehicles won’t suffice. Therefore, these organizations need vehicles provided through the GSA Schedule Contracts. In fact, statistics show that GSA is able to procure over 65,000 vehicles each year. To be more specific, GSA 23v provides both fire trucks and ambulances. You’ll find that GSA 23v also provides vehicle accessories for these workers to utilize. This schedule even covers tires for certain types of fire and emergency vehicles. In turn, these organizations are able to obtain vehicles, accessories, and other items that allow them to continue providing help to others.
Receiving Fire and Emergency Services Equipment
Statistics show that, during 2017, government buyers spent almost $1.2 billion through using the GSA Security Schedule. In addition to purchasing vehicles, it’s also important for organizations to have access to fire and emergency services equipment. Fortunately, GSA 84 is able to help take care of this situation. This schedule provides equipment for both firefighters and emergency response crews. For instance, GSA 84 can provide firefighting departments with the necessary equipment to take care of controlled burns. In addition, this schedules helps ensure that firefighting crews are able to receive personal respirators, protecting them from the danger of smoke inhalation.
In conclusion, it’s important to understand how GSA Security Schedules benefit both firefighters and emergency workers. Through using these schedules, these organizations are able to have a wide range of equipment and vehicles. In turn, this allows workers to have what they need in order to help those dealing with emergency situations.