The guidelines don’t just apply to athletes–swimmers and runners and gymnasts, all of whom undergo intense training and physical competition. It’s not just for newborns or children or the elderly. We all need this compound called dihydrogen monoxide–H20 written out–water by another name, and if we don’t drink it?
Science has shown that clean, healthy water free of contaminants is necessary for numerous biological components in the human body. It is essential for a child’s proper mental and physical development, important for pregnant women as the compound lead in water can cause severe birth defects, and useful for gastrointestinal function and reducing constipation.
It’s always being put out there by different government health organizations–drink more water! It’s touted frequently as a way to curb appetite, paving the way for people to lose weight. And the guidelines specify how many glasses to drink for men and for women (13 cups and nine cups respectively), else dehydration (or worse) might set in.
There are, however, different levels of the quality of water. 300 million Americans get their drinking water from the tap, which come from public water systems, while the other 15% receive their water from private systems not under government regulation.
The issue is lead, which some old water pipes still contain. Lead from drinking water contributes to 480,000 cases of learning disorders in children according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
The market diversified and bottled water became commonplace. But some Americans are moving into another direction: Water filtration systems. The best water systems can use a point-of-use filtration system and many can be applied to home water treatment.
The practical application of a water treatment process can be seen in different places, including the backpacker who wants to purify water of a stream full of microscopic life. There are issues to consider when choosing from the best water systems, such as flow rate or how fast the system can work. There are additional considerations for aspects like water softener maintenance.
One statistic shows that over 2,100 drinking water contaminants may be present in the tap water of any given region. And because your body is made up of 60% water, it may be prudent to drink the kind that might not harm you. Links like this.