The job description for purchasing agent is pretty complex. Initially, you might think that it’s fairly simple; you buy products or services at a low price. However, it’s a little more complicated than that. The purchasing agent job description includes being solely responsible to find the best price available without sacrificing the level of quality. They have to be able to assess the current market condition throughout the whole purchasing process which includes looking into quality, reliability, price and availability. A purchasing agent also needs to evaluate the customer service that is available after the initial buying process as well as be a master negotiator. If the job description for purchasing agent appeals to you, then here are a few tips of how to become one.
Make sure you do your research
Find out everything you can about the industry. The job description for purchasing agent goes even further than what is mentioned above, so you’ll want to make sure that you completely understand what it is in involved in such a career. If you don’t have any experience in the industry, then you’ll need to have as much knowledge as you can to even make it past the first step.
Consider your current life
You likely have your own obligations when it comes to your current lifestyle and living patterns. Purchasing agent duties often require odd hours and a full schedule in order to meet production requirements and deadlines. At times, there are ‘peak periods’ which may require you to work evenings, weekends, or holidays as well. There is also a decent amount of travel required in order to meet in person with potential suppliers in order to negotiate prices face to face. You may also have to attend any conferences in person even if they are a long way away.
Evaluate your abilities
You need to take an honest look at your skills and ability to succeed. To be able to make it as a purchasing agent, you’ll need to be able to communicate effectively and be know how to balance negotiations. You have to go as low as possible without losing the sale all together. You also need to be fairly technically savvy. Strong mathematical and computer skills are necessary to be able to analyze work flow and other elements of the managers of supply chains. On top of that, the job description for purchasing agents could include the necessary skills to be able to market yourself, the product as well as have strong leadership skills and decision making abilities.
Get a Bachelor’s degree
Having a Bachelor’s degree is a typical requirement for the field. Some firms even want their applicants to have a Master’s degree. If you already have those, have been in the industry for awhile and are now going for a specialized field, you’ll have to get the required purchasing agent certification before you even apply or you will be passed over. The field is fairly competitive so have your ducks in a row first. You’ll want to look into the different training programs that are available.
Check the entrance requirements
Many schools require that the potential students pass an entrance exam before being accepted into the school. If you cannot pass the exam to be able to get into the school and start studying for your Bachelor’s or Master’s degree, you will not be able to make it as a purchasing agent. You could arrange to meet with advisers at various colleges in order to discuss what they are offering in their programs and your potential to make it in to the school.
Apply to more than just one school.
There’s no guarantee that you are going to get in to your number one school, so have a back up plan. Apply to several different universities that offer the program that you need in order to train as a purchasing agent. The reputation of the school as well as tuition and financial aid should all be considered.
Once you get through the schooling process, you can begin the dreaded job search. Putting applications out to all available purchasing agent firms is the best way to get a response. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t find work immediately, it may take some time but don’t give up.