In this video, you will learn about houses for sale. The video explains flipping a house from start to finish. Repainting everything is a key first step.
New construction and modern design is really important to consider when flipping a house. Keeping up on the latest trends is important. The kitchen usually is the first that needs to be upgraded. Kitchens are a staple point of a home. When you tear open walls, you may encounter problems. For example, there could be electrical issues. If you are a first-time rehabber, it can be tricky. Roman follows the 70% rule. You purchase the house for 70% of the market value after expenses. Rehab expenses are generally based on the square footage of the house. He looks at big-ticket items. Driveways, roofs, basement, and anything that will significantly add to your rehab expenses. When you remove a wall and you have to rewire electrical work, that would be above the room. Most likely, you will have to hire electricians to help you with this. Especially if the electrical is super outdated, you will want to take care of that before the inspection. Keep watching this video for more information.