Advertising and promoting your products using business signage is always an excellent idea. If you don’t copy what other businesses are doing in terms of advertisements, most people would be unaware of your company’s existence.
According to a recent study, 35% of people would not have noticed and discovered a business if it hadn’t been for its sign. And if you want your promotional message to catch people’s attention and likely stick in their minds, you should use digital signs. Their bright colors and lights stand out in comparison to conventional billboards.
However, it’s crucial to ensure that your electronic signs are truly functional and practical. Not only should they be able to quickly capture the attention of others, but they must also be interesting enough for people not to ignore.
How To Increase the Effectiveness of Digital Signs for Business
An appealing design can indeed help draw attention, but essential information must be displayed quickly. To better use your outdoor LED display, below are some tips for optimizing your business signage to achieve the desired results. Whatever you decide to display on your LED signs for business, the following strategies can help you communicate better:
- Take advantage of the simplicity with which you can modify and program your digital signage. For example, restaurants can leverage the dynamic characteristic of the sign to their advantage – showcasing different menu offerings for dinner and lunch, as well as promotional offers.
- Use a call-to-action in your sign as a subtle way of telling people what they need to do next. Gym owners can urge potential members to join and sign up for a membership.
- Avoid using fancy fonts. Use an easy-to-read font to maximize the time drivers spend looking at your sign. If the fonts are simple, even people passing by will be able to read your message.
- Turn a simple message into a strong claim. Make sure to avoid using all caps because if you do, not only will you sound angry, but people will also have a hard time reading them. Therefore, make your sign simple to understand by using correct capitalizations, as well as grammar and punctuations.
- While LED signs have scrolling capabilities, you should disable the feature if your target audience includes drivers and passengers of passing vehicles. You should use relatively concise and meaningful messages that passersby can read quickly.
Make your message as brief as possible by following these steps. This way, not only will your business signage draw people’s attention but entice potential customers into coming to your brick and mortar store.
Guidelines for Displaying Information on Business Signage
Don’t pass up the chance to share relevant information and insights to grow your company. By displaying crucial messages in your signage for businesses, it can help bring in more customers.
- Show business hours: Use your signage to make your regular hours and days of operation known to the public. Plus, you can easily make adjustments to the display if you need to modify it, such as in the case of special holidays and extended business hours.
- Advertise and create hype for your most popular product: Customers are more likely to purchase from your business if other consumers already enjoy them. By displaying your best-selling product or service, you will also strengthen what your company is all about.
- Publicize special deals and sales: Use customizable LED signs to promote your store’s special deals. Vibrant and brilliant lights can attract more attention – with various items on sale, you can provide quick information to potential customers using a slideshow.
- Inform customers of new collections: Using digital signs is one of the most effective ways of introducing new products. This can ascertain that your latest offerings will not go unnoticed. And because these signs are easily customizable, adding new items to the slideshow is simple.
Boost Your Business Through Effective Signs
With 85% of a business’s clients working or living within a radius of about five miles around its location, it’s crucial to take advantage of signage to boost your business. Use the eye-catching features of digital signs to your competitive edge – follow these tips and skillfully promote your brand using business signs for sale. Apart from successfully bringing in more customers, you will also enhance your company’s image.