Millennials are without a doubt, one of the most influential generations in American history. They are different from any previous generation in that they are connected to their electronic gadgets, are implementing radical ideas for the workplace, and from a consumer perspective, they expect a lot more. Millennials are actually changing how many companies package their products, from simple clothing items to medical blister packaging. So does your brand appeal to this generation? Read on to find out.
What does your brand say about you?
All in all, Millennials like to feel a personal connection to their brands. They will not invest in something unless they feel strongly and passionately about what the brand believes in, and who they stand for as a company. So you need to look at your company and figure out what exactly your brand is telling consumers. Even if you are a packaging medical service that focuses on pharmaceutical serialisation, you need to make sure your clients are able to know specifically what your goals are and what they stand for.
Customize your products so they stand out
It is no secret that you want to appeal to your customers. Whatever you do, make sure not to be basic in your packaging! For millennials, it is what is on the outside that counts, so don’t be afraid to go crazy and different. Feel as if you are trapped because of your medical blister packaging? Go for interesting graphics, bright colors, and/or catchy slogans.
As a business, you must be able to find the balance between making fun packaging, while also making it affordable. You do not want to waste your money on special effects to then have no one buy your product due to exorbitant costs. However, Millennials are interested in purchasing more high-quality goods for a higher price, but you have to make sure your customer know exactly what you are promoting!
Using multiple platforms
Your brand isn’t only what your packaging looks like in the box. In the digital age, it is important to realize that you must utilize different platforms to ensure success. You will want to be remembered by your customers, and the best way to do this is to invest your time into building your brand on social media platforms.