You?ve had your business for several years now. At first, it was so easy to get people in the door you barely had to invest in any marketing. However, times change, and anything from shifting consumer tastes to the rising costs of raw materials, to the growth of of internet marketing could be cutting into your bottom line. An estimated 470,000 businesses in the U.S. will die each year.
How can you push some life back into your dying business? It?s not time to close the doors just yet. Here are a few suggestions.
Get Your Company Online
You need more than just a rarely updated Facebook page to count as being online. Capturing today?s consumers means having a website that?s mobile friendly, as well as several social media pages. Make sure that your website is easy to navigate and that all the information a consumer could need is there.
Invest in Better Business Signs
Did you know that 50% of new customers say they were initially attracted to a business because of its signage? This could be you — if only you?d invest and contact a full service sign company! If your sign is old, beat up, or illegible, consider a digital sign — locations with digital business signage averages 30% more customers. Another option for capturing consumer attention is car wrap advertising, which allows you to essentially create a giant, moving, eye-capturing billboard out of your vehicle! Just make sure you purchase quality car wraps that won’t tear or fade.
Review Your Practices From the Bottom Up
It?s easy to get into habits that you don?t even realize are habits anymore. Over time, though, this can lead to bad or outdated business practices. Do you still have your employees tally their own hours, while all your competitors are using digital clocks to record attendance? Have you really given thought to the software you?re using or are you just using the same product that worked for you five years ago? Don?t take anything for granted and take a good look at how you?re managing every part of your business. Aim to make it modern, efficient, and affordable.
Will you be visiting a full service sign company, investing in your website, or reviewing your management practices? Keep these tips in mind so that your company can keep its doors open — and keep making money!