Watching an asphalt application can seem complex, but it’s a strategically-planned procedure. In their YouTube video, “How an Asphalt Paver Works: Keys to a Successful Asphalt Paving Project,” Asphalt Testing Solutions demonstrates the steps pavers take. The video breaks the process down into a straightforward procedure.
Cleaning Before Asphalt Application
Before applying asphalt, the area must be swept and cleaned. Any debris on the site would interrupt the smoothness of the surface. After it’s cleaned, the team must apply tack.
Tack is an emulsifier that will help bond the layers of asphalt. After applying the tack, the team waited for it to “break.” When the tack is broken, it turns brown, and the water it contains will evaporate.
Preparing For Paving
When paving begins, the hopper (asphalt container) must be 1/3 – 2/3 full of the mix. The asphalt travels, via conveyor, to the auger (which churns the asphalt.) When the asphalt mix reaches the front of the truck, it can be poured and leveled by the screed (spreader.)
After the asphalt is poured and leveled, it must be compacted in order for the surface to be usable. First, a large steel roller truck flattens it. A pneumatic roller trick further compresses the asphalt.