Did you know that water is not an infinite resource? Yes, you read that right! Contrary to popular belief, water is not an infinite resource, meaning there is only a limited supply of it on planet Earth. Other examples of finite resources include fossil fuels and crude oil, both of which humans use at a rapid pace in order to create energy. Unlike crude oil and fossil fuels, water is a renewable resource, meaning it can be recycled and reused. This does not mean, however, that humans should not do everything possible in order conserve and preserve the water that is available. crisis.
Water conservation has become a hot button issue as of late, especially considering California’s drought. Keep in mind that this issue isn’t only isolated to California; it can happen anywhere! In fact, it’s already happening in many other areas of the world. It may seem that humans live in a water world, but in all actuality, that’s far from the case! Even though the majority of the Earth’s surface is covered with water, only about 1% is potable and safe enough for both human and animal consumption. Most of the Earth’s water is the salt water found in the oceans or it’s frozen in the polar ice caps and glaciers.
As such, it’s so easy to see why it’s important that everyone takes measures in their own to conserve, preserve, and protect water supplies. This is exactly where different environmental remediation services come into play. Great examples of different environmental remediation services include a variety of water treatment processes, waste water treatments, and more. It’s easy to take different environmental remediation services for granted, however, these kind of processes are vital to preserving groundwater safety and quality.
Although the majority of Americans rely on community and public water supplies for their drinking water,, many Americans still rely on ground and well water as a water source. This is why it’s so important to protect groundwater quality by being careful to avoid and prevent the groundwater pollution that leads to water contamination. While it’s true that agricultural runoff and industrial toxic waste are two of the biggest culprits of water pollution, many of the household chemicals used everyday in homes around the country are also to blame.
Did you know that caustic chemical cleaners such as ammonia, bleach, toilet bowl cleaners, and other common household cleaning products are extremely harmful for the environment, especially in terms of groundwater pollution. Remember, just because it goes down the drain doesn’t mean it goes away! This is especially true in terms prescription medication and drugs. You may think it’s safe to flush old medication down the toilet or the drain but this is a major environmental no-no. Did you know that research has shown that the public water supplies of at least 24 metropolitan areas in the United States have traces of pharmaceutical compounds within them? This includes traces of anti-depressants, antibiotics, and pain medication! You don’t want your family exposed to that!
So what is environmental remediation and what are the different environmental remediation services used to remove pollution? Environmental remediation is a blanket term used to remove contaminants and pollution from environmental media which includes surface water, ground water, soil, and sediment. This is why it’s so important to environmentally responsible and mindful of the chemicals you use both in and outside of your home.
Different environmental remediation services used to combat and clean up contamination and pollution include thermal desorption, excavation or dredging, surfactant enhanced aquifer remediation (SEAR), pump and treat, solidification and stabilization, in situ oxidation, soil vapor extraction, nanoremediation, bioremediation, and more. As previously mentioned, the goal of all of these different environmental remediation services is to make the environment a cleaner, safer, and healthier place for all.
Although you may feel as though there isn’t much you can do as one person, just think about how much people can accomplish by working together towards a common goal by doing their part in their own way! Using biodegradable products, conserving water, and disposing of medication properly are all ways to preserve water quality for generations to come.