The torque is an important, yet often under recognized tool. It may not be used as frequently as a hammer or screwdriver, but it does have its own set of benefits. A torque wrench is a type of wrench, with specific purposes. It is a tool that is used to precisely apply a specific torque to a fastener such as a nut or bolt. It was invented by Conrad Bahr in 1918 while working for the New York City Water Department. The tool has since become widely used and is a common staple in many homeowner?s and construction contractor?s toolboxes. The fit of the torque to the fastener is a unique one and requires special measurement.
Importance of accuracy in measurement
As you can imagine, a tight fit when it comes to torques is extremely important. Without proper measurement and a tight and secure fit, leaks and spills would occur. Although gaining an accurate torque measurement may require multiple measuring, custom torque equations, and specialized measurement devices, these requirements are necessary to ensure an accurate measurement.
Calibration of torque measuring devices
Finding the accurate torque equation with the measurement tool also requires proper calibration of the measuring tool. Calibrating an instrument involves comparing the measurements of two instruments, one with a known magnitude or correctness (standard device), against which you measure the unit under test. Essentially, you are comparing a previously measured tool to the new torque equation. Some contractors or homeowners may prefer measurement services to guarantee that their torque equations are correct.
It is also important to regularly recalibrate these tools. Imagine if the tool you are calibrating the new one against was measured years ago, and is no longer accurate, you will end up with multiple poorly measured torque equations. This can cause problems on a multitude of jobs and services. It can also cost you hundreds of thousands in repeat measurements and the cleanup of floods or leaks. Pay attention to required and recommended repeat measurement instructions. Most torques will include these instructions in the owner?s manuals.
Use custom measurements for hard to measure items
Some repairs require measurements that are so unique that you are best using custom torque equations. You may have to use a different type of load cell to ensure a proper fit, but it is better than making a mistake during torque equations. There are five types of load cells depending on the primary and secondary element that is used to sense the force. These are strain gauge type load cells, hydraulic load cells, diaphragm load cells, spool type load cells, and ring type load cells. The differences in the load cells are minimal, but can allow you to use more customized torque equations for repairs and difficult projects.
Proper storage of torques
In addition to proper measurements, the torque equipment should also be properly stored. Most torques can withstand temporary drastic changes in temperature, but when stored at extreme temperatures, can cause problems with the machine and the measurements. For example, extreme cold temperatures can actually cause a torque measurement to be off by a couple of millimeters, which may be enough to produce an entirely inaccurate torque equation. This is also why regular measurement of comparative torques is necessary, as the storage of those torques can affect the results. You may also find that different types of load cells hold better in extreme changes in temperature.
Torque measurements need to be extremely accurate for many reasons. The exact measurement guarantees a better fit and allows the torque to act as a comparative tool for additional torques. It is important to measure accurately and to pay attention to things like preventative maintenance and proper temperature storage. Also, repeat measuring can prevent later problems with current torque equations.