If you are a plumber and you run your own business and also complete your own plumbing jobs, it is absolutely essential that you have all the information you need to take care of a wide variety of jobs. Your clients will all need different things from you, so you need to have a vast amount of knowledge. One such thing you will need to know how to do is bathroom plumbing services. In this video, you will learn how to plumb a bathroom so that you can effectively offer these bathroom services to your customers.
The video will break down a typical bathroom using a diagram so that you can follow along easily. Understanding the basics of how a bathroom is laid out will help you get the right footing on how the plumbing works. For example, the toilet is required to be located in a very specific spot in the bathroom. It must be twelve and a half inches away from the back wall and must be at least fifteen inches away from the shower and lavatory.