Looking to soundproof your office? Then the option to build a phone booth office design may be the solution for you. This is often helpful if there is a great deal of noise throughout the office all day, such as call centers, customer service, and telemarketing companies. Removing or minimizing noise from surrounding workspaces can help improve workflow and efficiency, including improvements regarding issues like work errors, distraction, and concentration.
Phone Booth Office Designs
Despite the title, this design does not follow the standard appearance of a phone booth. It includes things like soundproof paint and other advancements that help limit conversation and other audio that cause a distraction in the workplace. If you have an open office with many employees working close to one another and often on the phone distractions from nearby conversations can be common.
A phone booth office space helps block surrounding noise and conversations of the larger office. This can help you manage telephone conferences and other meetings with quiet efficiency. The phone booth office design is built to block out surrounding audio, with many different walls. These may be made of thick, double-pane glass, or well-insulated materials. While the rest of the office is often open, the phone booth is able to be closed in order to have a private conversation or meeting.
Why Build a Phone Booth Office Design
While this design is not exactly the same as the phone booth you stand in to make a call, some of the cubicles have a bit more enclosed space to offer the privacy or sound efficiency indicated by a phone booth or a soundproof office booth. This change from a standard open office space can be helpful if your company has employees taking phone calls all day. In these situations, the office may be loud, and the need to minimize the noise is helpful for improved work.
Soundproof an Office Room
Simple steps can be taken to build a soundproof office booth and other rooms that need to be quiet to help maintain customer satisfaction, with hotels being one of them. Enclosed spaces, from cubicles to offices or other rooms can be soundproofed for quality work. Many additions to an office can reduce the noise that may trouble the efforts of your employees. Soundproof paint alone has reached a $200 million annual market, and there are many other options to help reduce noise levels in the office. These different options help create designs like the following:
- Office phone booth
- Soundproof booth
- Soundproof phone booth
- Private phone booth for office
Build a Phone Booth for the Soundproofing Benefits
More than asking how to complete the soundproofing process, there are a number of reasons why to do so. If you have a company where an office is filled with noise throughout the day, then phone booth designs help reduce those distractions. Especially considering call centers, consumers want to reach a real person, making the idea of reduced outside noise a benefit to improved call quality. it is a good idea to help improve call experience as much as possible, both for your employees and customers alike.