No matter what the size of your business or charity, you are probably always on the lookout for ways to save money on office supplies. On average, the typical office worker will burn through 10,000 pages of paper every year. That is, in part, to feed the millions of copy machines that are used all over the country. There were about seven million of them in 1991 and that number has only increased since then. Printing and writing paper accounts for at least half of all paper manufactured in the United States. There is a way to cut the costs associated in this area. From buying Kraft bubble mailers wholesale to looking for cheap ring binders, you can save money on your office supplies.
Ways You Can Save Money on Office Supplies:
- Talk to the supplier you use. Have you been going to the same place for all of your supplies for a long time? If you have been with a business for any real length of time, you may have develeoped a rapport with their sales people. Ask them what you can do to lower your costs and explain what you need. Before you do that, do a little research into what their competitors are charging for the items you need. If you get a lot of Kraft bubble mailers wholesale, are there better prices across town? You may at the very least be able to get your supplier to lower the cost or you will find a better place to shop. No business wants to lose loyal customers so be honest and professional and you may be able to cut your costs at least a little.
- JKeep track of what your employees really use. Are you buying your supplies from a list you drew up five years ago? Look at what you actually need and how often you buy certain kinds of supplies. If you find your staff are making runs once a week for small binder rings, maybe that is something you can buy larger quantities of and pay less because you can get it in bulk. Take advantage of other cost savings techniques such as in house recylcing. For example, if you do use a lot of paper clips, they can be used more than once. Write up a policy for office supply usage and let all of your staff know what you are trying to do. This will cut down on waste and save you money. You an also do the environment a favor by using double sided printing as often as you can. This saves money and trees.
- Buy in bulk! This may be obvious but you really can save a lot by waiting for the items you need to be on sale or using coupons and then stocking up on those supplies. Remember, there really is no expiration date on supplies so if you know you are going to need a lot of spiral notebook graph paper, buy it when it is cheap. Some stores offer points for turning in used printer cartridges and most businesses always need ink. If you know you do a big mailing during the holidays and you see a deal on Kraft bubble mailers wholesale, stock up!
- Follow your own rules. Paper and other office supplies has the same price if you are using it or if your most recent hire is. If you draft and circulate a policy, you need to follow it as much as everyone else. If you set the example that cutting costs related to office supplies is important to you, your employees will see that and have more respect for you and the policy. This will make them more likely to follow it.
Thinking about office supplies is probably one of the least fun things you do for your business but it can make a big difference in your bottom line. When you start getting your Kraft bubble mailers wholesale or buy cheap laser labels, you will have fun looking at the amount of momey you can save on the supplies you need to do the fun and interesting parts of running your business. Everyone enjoys saving money.