The range of customers you serve is vast. And over the decades that your family business has been in operation you have met people from all walks of life. In fact, at your machine shop you service everything from the aerospace industry, oil and gas industry, sawmills, logging industry, to the guy down the street needing a tractor cylinder repaired. Some of your customers joke, in fact, some of your customers have told you that if they know someone who is in the market for any kind of machine work to be done, they will not be disappointed if they call on you.
For all of these reasons you were thrilled when one of your customers gave you a lead on a used induction furnace for sale in the area. With the growing amount of business that you have seen in the last few months another induction melting furnace is just what you need. And while you occasionally see a used induction furnace for sale, they are not always of the quality and size of the one you were just able to purchase. This one will fit nicely into the back corner of your shop where it will be easy to provide the necessary ventilation and, when needed, the replacement parts will match the furnace you already have.
The Right Used Induction Furnace for Sale Can Help Many Businesses Increase the Amount of Business They Handle
As the nation attempts to bounce back from the economic challenges caused by the pandemic, it is important to note that there are many small businesses that will play key roles in the economy of many small towns and cities. In fact, while politicians seem to be all too often concerned about keeping the largest corporations afloat and watching the stock market, many Americans rely on the income they make from their small, privately owned businesses. This means that having the funds to acquire a used induction furnace for sale matters. Everyone knows that even a small investment can help a business more successfully meet the needs of their customers. And having the work to keep a staff of employees provides the income not only that family needs, but also fuels other local businesses as well. Local workers being paid by a local business spend their money locally, compounding the economic impact of these dollars.
It is widely known that as much as 13% of the world’s steel is used in the automotive industry, but beyond that statistic and the steel that is used for large construction projects, most people do not understand that induction furnaces and steel products are also important to many other industries as well. Currently, the U.S. is the world’s number one importer of steel. In 2017, for example, the country imported up to $27 billion worth of steel and every time that a small business acquires additional steel melting equipment they can help the local economy with products that may have been imported from across the globe.
And while it is easy to think of steel as a product that fuels the business of making automobiles and building skyscrapers, it is important to note that there are also many new ways that this steel is being used as well. For instance, did you know that nearly 16% of the world’s steel is used for mechanical equipment such as for manufacturing or robotics? These new innovations are helping pave the way to new kinds of economic advantages. And although up to 50% of the world’s steel is used for buildings and infrastructure, there are also other uses for this product that will shape the future of the world where we live.
Many small businesses have suffered great losses during these unprecedented times during the Covid 19 pandemic, but others find themselves so busy that they are barely able to meet the demand. Finding a way to support businesses at both ends of this spectrum is important if the nation wants to see the common laborer recover. From funds for new equipment to grow a small machine shop to helping workers transition into other jobs, the task at hand is challenging.