Signage is incredibly commonplace all throughout the United States. From car wraps and decals to billboards that are both digital and traditional, there is certainly no shortage of off site signage. However, on site signage is also hugely important, even though many people might think that it has become all but obsolete with the advent and growth of online shopping and e-commerce as a whole.
Actually, however, this could not be further from the truth – and data backs up this claim. In fact, this data has even found that up to 77% of all people still actually purchase their goods in brick and mortar stores. After all, many simply like to view a product in person before they commit to a final purchasing decision, as this can help them to know that they are making a high quality purchase and one that they will not regret.
Therefore, the use of signage in stores is still very much important, and this signage is just as varied – if not even more so – than the many types of off site signage that are used in the current day. From glass signs to display racks and display stands to custom retail displays of varying natures, all kinds of signage can be found in the typical store. Many of these type of signage, such as glass signs, are easy to incorporate as they don’t take up very much space at all. Glass signs and other varieties of on site signage are likely to be quite affordable as well, especially in comparison to the often high costs of off site signage. Renting a billboard, after all, is likely to be quite expensive indeed.
And on site signage like that of glass signs and floor standing sign holders can really be quite impactful. After all, more than 80% of all purchasing decisions are actually made when someone is inside of the store and not beforehand. The use of things like glass signs can not only work to draw them into the store – as up to half of all customers will enter a store because of signage that catches their eye – but to convince them to make some sort of purchase, if not multiple purchases, while they are there. After all, data has also shown that up to 16% of all unplanned purchases that take place in various retail locations will actually be directly influenced and caused by some type of on site signage, from indoor sign stands to beyond.
The use of on site signage can truly be so impactful that even fully priced merchandise that has not been discounted in any way, shape, or form, will fare better. In fact, fully priced merchandise will set up to 20% more when on site signage has been utilized. This study was conducted by Brigham Young University, and a number of similar studies have garnered like results. Therefore, there is not doubting the power than on site signage is able to have here in the United States. And from glass signs to the typical label display stand and free standing sign holders, all types of on site signage can end up making quite the tremendous impact at the end of the day.
Of course, the quality of signage used in the United States and beyond matters quite a bit. Not only do people attribute the quality of a sign to the quality of the business, but its overall personality as well. Therefore, the use of signage can actually end up making or breaking customer relations on a whole, something that can be hugely detrimental to business if a sign is not carefully planned and thought out before being put into use. At the end of the day, signs can have an impact one way or another, and it’s very important to make that impact a positive one.
From glass signs to billboards, signage exists in all shapes and sizes here in the United States, so much so that the average person will actually see as many as 3,000 different signs and advertisements over the course of just one single day.