If you have a business that collects money from customers via some sort of billing procedure, you are probably well aware of the fact that whether you are using printing services to create your paper bills and envelopes or hiring out your billing to a billing statement processing company, printed invoices are rarely met with joy by a customer who goes to the mailbox and finds your statement in with their mail.
While there is likely to be no way that someone will see an invoice and jump up and down with excitement to write a check straightaway, there are other ways to make the payment experience more pleasant for your customer. One of these ways is to switch your billing method to electronic billing.
Printing services that specialize in paper invoices have been effective for many years. At the same time, new technology has effectively lessened the number of steps and trouble it takes for a customer to complete the payment transaction. Here are three reasons you should think about switching from printing services and paper billing to electronic billing.
1.) The ease of electronic billing can lead to quicker responses from customers and help cut any collection times.
With electronic billing, the customer who is being billed can pay their bill much more easily and much more quickly. This often times will keep them from tossing the paper bill aside and maybe even losing it altogether.
2.) You will have a better relationship with your customer if you use electronic billing.
You always want to have the best possible relationship with your customers. One of the ways you can increase this bond is by offering your customer the easiest bill payment method possible. Electronic billing is so simple and easy to use that people are much more likely to take care of their balance as soon as they see the electronic invoice.
If people can pay their bill easily, they will feel less hounded by a company. This creates a feeling of good will between a business and a consumer.
3.) Electronic billing is better for the environment.
Electronic billing is much better for the environment for a number of reasons, the most obvious of which is that it saves on paper. If you can send out electronic bills to all of your customers and they can pay those bills by simply sitting at their computers or using their smart phones, you will have saved untold reams of paper over the course of the life of your company.
If you have a company that needs to bill clients, you have probably sent out thousands of invoices over the years. You have likely seen many customers pay those invoices in a timely manner, otherwise, you would not still be in business. But, if you have customers who have been paying late or not at all, perhaps it is time to consider switching to electronic billing.
Electronic billing has been shown to lead to a quicker response time from customers, a better relationship overall with a company’s client base, and a lessening of the burdens that printing services can have on the environment due to a great deal of wasted paper.
You have a company that relies on its customers to pay on time. You have bills and expenses that you are counting on that money to pay. If the old ways are not working the way you hoped it would, maybe it is time to switch.