In the United States, trade shows are efficient for businesses to promote their products. Trade shows are held all across the United States at many convention centers. Four years ago, there were 252 convention centers across the United States! Not only are these conventions educational and fun, they are beneficial for businesses. Trade shows help businesses with brand awareness. In a survey, 79% of product consumers looked up a brand after getting a promotional product at a trade show! So, it’s safe to say that trade shows are the places to attend. But, what do trade shows look like? Businesses, promoters, and companies set up their displays and their products all throughout the center. Some have tabletop pop up displays, tower displays, portable truss displays, and more. Whatever the display may be, they’re eye-catching and interesting. If you’re going to a trade show (or participating in one) here are two displays and their benefits.
Personalized Pop Up Tents
Personalized pop up tents have many benefits if you use them at trade shows. The first benefit is representation and brand awareness. With a personalized pop up tent, you do not just have your products advertised on tables. This isn’t an ordinary booth! Your entire tent is an advertisement. Individuals walking through the convention center can see your company or product logo on the tent. You clearly target your audience or consumers with pop up tents. You have the potential to grab a client’s interest and attention before they even step inside. Personalized pop up tents are ideal for brand awareness.
Personalized pop up tents are easy to install and they are lightweight. This is convenient for many trade shows. Convention centers are large places with a lot of people. Additionally, you have a certain amount of time to set up. This can cause any business, promoters, and companies to become overwhelmed and anxious. However, personalized pop up tents decrease these feelings. These pop up tents are easy to set up and take down when the event is over. It will only take you a couple of minutes to set up the pop up tent. It saves you time and money. Additionally, because of the speed of the set up, you have extra time to prepare further and ease your mind. Personalized pop up tents are also lightweight and durable. The transportation of all your belongings is quick and simple, because these tents are easy to carry from one event to another. You can also carry them comfortably without worrying that they may rip, tear, or become damaged in some way.
Tabletop Pop Up Display
A tabletop pop up display also has many benefits, if you’re using them at a trade show or any event. First, a tabletop pop up display is light and portable, similar to personalized pop up tents. Many exhibits at trade shows contain many different parts and they can be heavy. This can make it difficult for businesses, promoters, and companies. However, you wouldn’t have to worry about this with a tabletop pop up display. This type of display is so light, you can carry it on your own, in your hand. Additionally, the frames of the display consist of lightweight materials that you can fold up if need be. This is definitely convenient!
You may believe that the bigger the display, the better the result, and the more people you’ll get. However, this isn’t always the case. With a tabletop pop up display, you can attract clients, visitors, and your target audience with a creative design. Many tabletop displays have unique, creative, eye-catching designs. So, you can increase the attention of your clients with tabletop displays! Your message for your clients and target audience will also be evident with a tabletop pop up display.
Lastly, a tabletop pop up display can increase your brand awareness and space. You can take your display to many different events because of its versatility. Therefore, increasing exposure. Additionally, because tabletop pop up displays are not large like many other displays, you have more space for other equipment! You can set up other accessories (workstations, technology) along with your display, which also increases brand awareness and creates more ways to connect with clients.