For many uses in companies that manufacture electronics or other products, using very pure gases such as specialty gas is very important for getting the job done, and a gas whose purity is too low cannot be used. For this reason, there is an entire industry based around creating and transporting pure and concentrated gases, and auxiliary items like a high purity gas regulator can be useful to making sure that gases are used in the proper amounts and pressures during the job. What is more, gases may become impure over time, and when this happens, a company should use calibration gases to set everything straight and diagnose a problem. Equipment for gas work will also include the canisters in which gas is transported, such as a calibration gas cylinder and more. A high purity gas regulator, meanwhile, should be sent in for repairs or replaced if it cannot accurately handle the pure gases that it must control.
On Gases
A high purity gas regulator will work with very pure gases, and when working well, it can carefully administer these materials and keep them pure enough for work. Just how pure should a gas be? Major manufacturers have created a grading system to rank gases based on purity, and this may range from high purity, at 99.998%, to ultra-high purity, which will be at least 99.999% pure or more. Research-grade gas is especially pure, having a purity of 99.9999% or more. What kind of market surrounds these pure gases and their equipment, such as a high purity gas regulator or canisters? For one thing, based on a container’s size and the type of gas contained, the container may cost as little as $100 or as much as $3,000 or even more. In fact, the worldwide specialty gases market is predicted to reach a value of $14 billion by the year 2026, and this market will generally divide gases into two categories: pure gases, and gas mixtures. Also, this market will divide gases into six application categories: electronics and semiconductors, analytical and calibration, manufacturing, healthcare and medicine, refrigeration, and others, too. But gas containers may sometimes accidentally include impurities, or equipment on the job like a high purity gas regulator may become faulty over time and need to be adjusted. How can this be done?
Calibrate the Gas
Like any other commercial material or piece of equipment, pure and pressurized gas may over time become faulty, or a sloppy job manufacturing it will result in a faulty product to begin with. Fortunately, to diagnose a problem with a gas canister with a high purity gas regulator, a company may make use of calibration gas to determine if there is a problem. A company will certainly do this if they start getting issues with their work, but a more preventative measure will be to have calibration gas brought in and used regularly to catch problems early before they get any worse. This may save time and hassle later on if a problem is corrected before it goes out of control.
Calibration gas is extremely pure and will always have the composition and purity that regular gas will be expected to have, and it can be used as a comparison tool if a gas detector or regulator’s reading seem wrong or if impure gas is being used without anyone realizing it. Concentration gas can be bought in specialize canisters and used on the workplace to compare directly to the existing gas being used, or run it through a gas detector or high purity gas regulator to see if there is a discrepancy between what the machine’s readout shows and what the gas should be. The calibration gas itself is a known factor, so a discrepancy will be the fault of inaccurate machinery. When this happens, a faulty high purity gas regulator can be sent in to the manufacturer for repairs or replacement, and impure, faulty gas at a workplace can be returned to the manufacturer for replacement or be disposed of in an industry-approved manner, and a new canister of gas can be ordered. As a whole, preventing these problems is best done when a team of employees gets calibration gas regularly and uses it to test for faulty equipment before a problem gets too serious.