Any successful company understands the necessity of marketing. Marketing creates new customers and reminds older customers of y our business, increasing their visits. There are many ways to market, in fact, many companies have entire marketing teams that are responsible for creating new marketing campaigns to continue increasing business. However, one of the most overlooked types of marketing is that of trade shows. Trade shows offer many marketing benefits, one of the biggest being that trade shows actually bring customers directly to you. They are an opportunity to share to hundreds, possibly even thousands of new customers what is so great about your business. There are no other marketing opportunities that allows for that level of free marketing.
The average company allocates 31.6% of its total marketing to events and exhibiting, and more than $24 billion is spent annually by U.S. Exhibitors for trade show displays, yet 70% of these exhibitors set no specific objective for trade show exhibits. A common mistake is treating trade shows as a free or a discounted form of marketing. Just because they don?t cost as much as other more traditional ways of marketing, exhibit materials and an exhibit design should not be skimped on. Trade shows feature hundreds of businesses, many that might be similar to yours, so the goal is to catch the attention of the guests. You want to create a custom exhibit design that will grab their attention and ensure that they visit your exhibit over others.
There are a lot of things that a business can do to stand out amongst other trade show participants. In addition to the trade show exhibit design, there are standards that should be followed as far as distance and fonts used on the designs. The overall rule of thumb for booth design graphics is that they should be 40% empty space. That?s right, almost half of your graphics space should be totally blank. That is because what your message does not say is just as important as what it does say. Also, having a custom exhibit design that is too full and too difficult to read may deter the guests from visiting your booth, for lack of time.
You also may need to have three main types of graphics, depending on how far away attendees can stand from your booth, long range, medium range and short range. This ensures that guests are able to view and understand what your business is no matter how far away they are from the custom exhibit design. Close ranged, or short range graphics might include an interactive exhibit design that allows customers to interact with you and your employees. This is a great way to get to know each guest and to learn what they like and dislike about your business. The trade show booth designs really matter when you are competing with hundreds of other trade show participants.
Trade shows offer businesses a great way to expand their business name for a lot less than other traditional marketing efforts cost. A custom exhibit design allows the business to individualize their booth design and to provide free information to thousands of guests in just a few hours. They are able to actually talk with and interact with their potential customers, learning how to further improve their business to gain similar type customers.