Vaccinations are one of today’s greatest medical marvels.
Millions of lives have been saved over the past three hundred years. Vaccinations protect not just the majority population from deadly diseases, but looks after those who are unable to be vaccinated. For many it can be hard to imagine a world without the aid of vaccines. Unfortunately, there are still many misconceptions about vaccines and what they do for our health. Even maintaining them with the aid of vaccine storage refrigerators can be less than reliable.
Knowledge is power. Arm yourself with the basics by reading below about the scientific vaccine refrigerator.
Did You Know?
The sheer scale of vaccinations can be hard to comprehend at times. It’s estimated vaccinations prevent more than two and a half million deaths every year. The World Health Organizations, as well as the Measles and Rubella Initiative, estimate over 15 million lives have been saved by the measles vaccination since 2000. Sadly, nearly 25 million children around the globe still don’t have access to the routine vaccine series they need to live a long and healthy life. Despite a mountain of evidence as to the usefulness of vaccines, there are common misconceptions about their side-effects and long-term benefits.
The Myth About Vaccines And Autism
One of the most enduring myths about vaccines is the purported link between a vaccination and autism. Having been debunked by several scientific resources, this is a misconception best eliminated as swiftly as possible. It’s estimated nearly 10% of children between the ages of 19 and 35 months have received the Polio vaccine. The CDC has also seen a troubling rise in flu-related complications. As many as 700,000 flu-related hospitalizations — as well as 55,000 deaths — have been caused since 2010.
The Rise Of Flu Complications
The flu is widely considered to be one of the lesser illness, not unlike a more virulent common cold. This is far from true, however, as the flu can be extremely dangerous if not addressed properly. More serious side-effects from the flu can be abnormally high fevers, severe muscle pain, dehydration, pneumonia, and vomiting. People with compromised immune systems, the elderly, and very young children are more vulnerable to the flu. Flu vaccines need to be received on a yearly basis to keep up with the mutating virus.
The Return Of Measles And Rubella
Another troubling development has been the return of measles and rubella in several parts of the United States. While the number of measles-related deaths decreased by 80% between 2000 and 2014, it’s still not nearly low enough for the technology at hand. The U.S. Centers For Disease Control And Prevention estimate that vaccinations can prevent more than 20 million hospitalizations and 730,000 deaths among children born in the last 20 years. Vaccine storage refrigerators are one of our best tools in ensuring these figures don’t get higher. Storing vaccines is a careful process of recording and double-checking.
Properly Storing Vaccines In Vaccine Storage Refrigerators
Vaccine storage refrigerators make sure everyone is covered. A minor temperature drop can completely compromise the solution and render it ineffective. The three most important steps in maintaining a scientific freezer or refrigerator are as follows — store the vaccines at the right temperature, record the temperatures at the start of the workday, and check the temperature whenever you access it. Frozen vaccines should be between -58 degrees and five degrees Fahrenheit. Refrigerated vaccines should be kept at a consistent 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
Without vaccines we would be living in a more uncertain, dangerous world. The undercounter lab refrigerator remains one of our best lines of defense.