A clean workplace is always important, for workers’ health and safety, but it can also be crucial if you’re manufacturing or producing goods that are later distributed to consumers as well. Germs are easy to spread and an unclean workplace can have devastating results if people aren’t careful. For example, there should be a medical device manufacturing facility cleaning done daily, and protocols in place to ensure that all medical devices leave sterile and as clean as possible. There are different types of cleaning services that range from office spaces to big industrial spaces and investing in a professional cleaning service can help ward off lawsuits and other accidents or illnesses. Obviously for a medical device manufacturing facility cleaning, you’d need a larger number of cleaning staff and bigger cleaning devices, but for a smaller space and office, janitorial services can often be quite small and relatively inexpensive for the benefit they have on your office space.
What’s the Need Look Like?
Humans are gross. We cough, sneeze, don’t wash our hands, and frequently eat food at our desks at work. The average desk has as many as 10 million bacteria living on it and there are roughly 21,000 germs per square inch happily residing on your mouse, keyboard, and desk chair. Sick all the time? Part of might be that be due to the fact that flu viruses can live on hard surfaces for as long as four days!
Even if you’re spending extra money on cleaning services, you might actually still be saving money for you company in the long run. Did you know that sick days are responsible for over $225 billion dollars annually in lost revenue for businesses and that they contribute to a 54% decrease in productivity?
What Are Some Benefits of Hiring Commercial Cleaning Services?
If you’re subject to routine inspections, such as in an industrial setting, engaging in something like medical device manufacturing facility cleaning is definitely in your best interest. Getting a medical device manufacturing facility cleaning regularly will keep your building up to inspection regulations, cut down on communicable diseases in the employees, and may even help reduce allergies and asthma!
If you work in an office building, all the more reason to get your office professionally cleaned. Indeed, office buildings make up the largest area of commercial cleaning contracts — over 30% of cleaning contracts are done with office buildings. They won’t get in your way — generally, they work second or third shift, to make sure that buildings are cleaned once the regular occupants have left for the day.
You may find that the flu or other seasonal colds are slower to spread in your office, allergies (to dust, pollen, or other dirt and allergens) might subside, and you may even feel a little happier. A clean space can do wonders for your mood and even if those stacks on your desk haven’t gone away, knowing that other surfaces in your workplace have been tidied and recently cleaned can do wonders.
How Else Can I Improve Office Cleanliness?
Stop eating at your desk! It’s often tempting to just do work during your lunch break, but that’s not healthy for you, nor is it good for your work space cleanliness. of people eat breakfast at their desk, over 60% eat lunch, and half of people eat a snack while sitting at their desks. Get away from your computer and go eat somewhere else — either in a designated staff lunch area, outside, or in a different room.
Make sure you’re washing your hands regularly and have hand sanitizer or wipes at your desk. It can also be a good idea to turn bathroom handles with paper towels or to flush with your foot. Do your part to make sure people are throwing away their food, tissues, and other debris in the appropriate areas.
A cleaning company can make a huge difference, whether it’s in a huge industrial building or a smaller office space. They can reduce illness and sick days and keep you up to sanitation and health standards. Invest in a professional cleaning company today!