Subscribing to a credit card processing service is a great idea for your small business. Doing so can really smooth out transactions, and save you time and money in the long run. But deciding which credit card processing system to use is a big decision.
There are hundreds out there, each with its own unique advantages and disadvantages. You’re probably overwhelmed with options, so let this video be your guide.
Many credit card processing services charge a fee per transaction, while others charge a monthly or annual fee that covers every exchange. Your decision will be based on the number of transactions your business typically sees in a day, week, and month. Do the math to determine what the typical weekly or monthly cost of the credit card service is, and choose one that gives you more bang for your buck.
There are even ways to reduce these credit card processing fees with a few handy tricks. Watch this video to learn how you can keep credit card fees at bay. The last thing you want to do is to be forced into raising your business prices just to cover the fees of your credit card service. So watch this video to learn how to pinch some pennies. Your business budget will thank you!