While one family is looking forward to the upcoming four day weekend at the beginning of July, including the family picnic, the parade, and the neighborhood fireworks, another family fears that the two days off work for the holiday will significantly affect how the bills for the month will be paid.
The difference between the have’s and the have not’s.
One new college graduate looks forward to one more week of summer vacation before starting her new job. She has recently moved into her own apartment and has purchased her first new furniture pieces. Another high school graduate struggles working two different part time jobs while trying to complete a two year college degree by taking night classes.
The sad reality between the fortunate and the less fortunate.
One elderly couple enjoys their active social calendar at the assisted living home where they have lived for the last two years. The enjoy the option of renting a guest room down the hall so that they can have friends from across the family come for long weekend visits. Another couple worries about what they will do when one of them is no longer able to climb the two flights of stairs to their tiny apartment.
The different futures of those who have caught some lucky breaks and those who have been the victim of untimely bad luck.
These are challenging times for many individuals and families. While some Americans enjoy a life of luxury and privilege, others find themselves struggling to get from one paycheck to another. The fact that new healthcare legislation might further impact the future of so many, has many Americans wondering what they can do to help. After calls and protests, letters and marches, many Americans fear not only for themselves, but also for their neighbors and family members, as well as people they have never met on purpose. In a time when it seems like those in Washington, D.C. have forgotten what it means to do unto others what you would have them do unto you, many Americans want to find some way to make a difference.
For some, the easiest way to contribute to the needs of others in this country is by giving disabled veterans donations. From cash donations to donations of used clothing and from cash to offering volunteer work hours, many Americans see disabled veterans donations as a way that they can see their efforts matter.
The Golden Rule in Action
When was the last time that you made the effort to donate clothes? When was the last time that you scheduled an appointment with wounded veterans charities that solicit donations that pick up at home instead of hanging up on another evening phone call? For many Americans who are reaping the benefits of a hard earned income, sprinkled with a little luck, helping disabled veterans and helping families in need only takes a little bit of time. A little time to clean out the dresser drawers and pull out items that are no longer being worn. A little time to clean out the closet and donate the shoes and the shirts that are such good condition, but have not been worn for years.
Too often Americans bemoan the fact that life in this country is unfair to so many, while at the same time expecting the Washington politicians to solve all the problems. On the flip side, we do not often enough do the little things that we could offer. Small acts of kindness lead to big disabled veterans donations opportunities. You clean out your closet and make a cash donation. You mention it to your neighbor, and she is inspired to do the same. The snowball effect can be impressive.
Consider this information about how disabled veterans donations can make a big difference:
- 4.7 billion pounds of clothing are donated by Americans each year.
- Unfortunately, Americans send 10.5 million tons of clothing to landfills every year.
- This means that Americans only recycle or donate 15% of their used clothing.
- The average American buys at least twice as many clothing items as they did 20 years ago.
- Are you ready to reduce the clutter in your closets and dressers and make a donation to someone who is less fortunate?