Transportation is one of the most important issues a business can discuss today.
Why not? Shipping can be the dealbreaker for many customers when choosing to invest in one business over another. A lack of proper LTL shipments can keep a business from making its monthly figures and leave them in the dust of their competitors. That’s even before you touch on the environmentally friendly benefits of one form of transportation over the other. When you want to embrace the art of transportation over the coming years while still saving on costs, reaching out to a broker TMS system will help you with all the little details that go into a proper shipment. Scheduling, tracking, trends…you’ll have it all.
Here’s what you need to know about broker systems in today’s fast-paced world.
What does the shipment process look like today? The word of the day is ‘massive’. According to industry estimates nearly 12 million trucks, rail cars, locomotives and vessels move goods across the vast American transportation network. Trucks, in particular, carry the largest share of freight by value, tons and ton-miles for shipments moving 750 or fewer miles. While relying on plane and train to transport large equipment or exceptionally large quantities of product have their place, the LTL shipment is both affordable and effective.
Figuring out your company’s shipment process is absolutely necessary to not just save money, but stay relevant. American e-commerce revenue is around $420 billion and only gets higher by the day. This is due to customers enjoying the convenience of online browsing as well as the wider range of options available at their fingertips. Regardless of whether the shipment in question is full truckload, less-than-truckload (also known as LTL) or parcel, the retail industry has been urging its carriers to adjust quickly.
Multiple consulting groups have been assessing the difference in TL shipments to better offer businesses solutions to this growing problem. Any business not familiar with load broker software is running a high risk of falling into obscurity. According to Satish Jindel, current president of SJ Consulting Group, nearly 25% of all for-hire freight tonnage can be attributed to retail alone. He also found out the length of haul has declined over the years, with public truckload carriers reporting the average length of haul decreasing by 4% between 2011 and 2016.
When you want to know more about the benefits of broker TMS software, there’s more than enough data to steer you toward a fruitful decisions. The U.S. Department Of Transportation found the value of freight moved is expected to increase from $880 per ton to over $1,300 per ton by the time 2040 comes around. As of now? The LTL market is estimated at $35 billion and only growing higher by the minute. Saving money and using effective shipment is not just possible. It’s a must.
Customers want packages that arrive quickly and undamaged. They’ll even gloss over a business entirely in favor of another if this demand isn’t met. Businesses want to save money on their LTL shipments while using clever broker software to not just address problems, but prevent problems from happening in the first place. Applying for freight management software will make sure you’re always up-to-date on everything shipment, down to the last little detail that could net you a few more repeat customers.
Transportation is the foundation of a strong modern business strategy. How can broker TMS software help you master this art?