Lidar, which stands for light detection and ranging, has become a commonplace method of surveying land or other various components across a multitude of industries around the world. It’s especially important in civil engineering and construction work. Here are just a few of the many reasons that lidar technology is so beneficial to these industries.
Efficient Data Collection
One of the most important reasons lidar technology is used so frequently is the rate at which it collects accurate data. When you work with a lidar technology company, you’re investing in a surveying service that gathers data through highly sensitive laser sensors. Not only that, but lidar detection systems are also typically airborne, which means gathering data can be even more efficient than any grounded surveying equipment.
Much Higher Surface Density
While efficient data collection is certainly a boon, it’s not the only one that comes with using lidar services. Another huge advantage of using lidar technology is what’s called higher area or surface density. Since lidar devices are able to penetrate dense materials to survey the object or landscape in question, detailed models of the terrain and specific objects therein are available. Some of the most common methods of using this kind of data come into play in fields like flood plain delineation and any applications that necessitate more detailed surface density information than methods like photogrammetry can provide.
No Light Source Restrictions
Traditional surveying techniques require a light source to be performed properly. As such, these methods are typically limited to daylight hours, especially if the area being surveyed is covered in vegetation. Fortunately, lidar devices have no such restrictions. Lidar can be used during the day or in the middle of the night because this technology makes use of lasers, which emit their own light, for surveying data. And vegetation is no problem because this tech can penetrate thick canopies to survey the land beneath them.
When it comes to surveying technology, lidar is the best option across a multitude of industries. These are just a few of the many benefits you can reap from using lidar technology during surveying jobs.