Use this in-depth guide to map your road if you want to become quality property agents.
To start, you need to identify a real estate agent you admire and offer to work as an intern for free. Use this time to learn everything you can about real estate and make a good impression so you can secure a job with them or another reputable company.
The second step is to get your real estate license. You can do this by running a search online for your specific state laws to determine if you need to make a physical visit to get it or not. The next step is to get your license sponsored by a brokerage. Working in a team makes the work enjoyable, and challenges are overcome much easier.
After getting all your ducks in a row, create your sphere of influence, starting with your immediate family and friends. These people could help you start your practice before entering the public market. To attract new clients, be proactive and personable. Connect with prospects at their point in need and make the selling or buying process hassle-free for them.