Is your company considering using different staffing agencies to find contractors and employees? If you?ve never worked with a staffing agency before, you may not be sure how to pick a staffing company that meets your needs. It can be difficult deciding which of the staffing agencies can actually deliver exactly what your company wants and needs. You don?t want to spend money on a staffing agency that can?t live up to your expectations at the end of the day. Instead, make sure you do your research before choosing which employment agency to go with.
Interested in learning more about how to find a staffing agency that will meet your company?s expectations? Keep reading to find out why the staffing agency you pick could make all the difference in your company?s success.
3 Tips for Finding the Best Staffing Agency for Your Company
In the past, your company may have tried hiring on their own. After a while, your company probably realized it takes a lot of time, energy, and resources to find contractors and employees. It takes away from the work each of your employees needs to do on a daily basis. So, you?ve decided to search for staffing agencies to get the job done for you. How do you know which one is right? Use these three tips to get a good idea of what employment agency to use.
1. Pick a staffing agency that has temporary, contract, part-time, and full-time options
You never know what type of employee you may want to hire. Depending on the task at hand, the length of a certain project, or if one of your current employees leaves, you may need an employee for a different length of time. Across the United States, there are around 3 million temporary and contract employees that use staffing agencies to find work every single week. Make sure the staffing agency you select has the opportunity to request contract, temporary, part-time, or full-time. That way, you can start an employee out on contract and hire them for part or full-time only if you still need them or they exceed your expectations.
2. Choose staffing agencies that can handle employee turnover quickly
Anytime you hire a new employee, there?s a risk for employee turnover. If, in the past, your company has had an exceptionally high employee turnover rate, you probably don?t want to get stuck dealing with this again. For that reason, make sure the staffing agency is prepared to help you deal with this issue. Employee turnover can be very costly to your company. On average, it can end up costing 30% to 150% of whatever that employee?s original salary was. Luckily, if you pick the right staffing agency, they can help recruit employees who are dedicated and also help your company fill positions quickly if an employee leaves. There are cases where after only 45 days of work, an employee leaves. This happens about 20% of the time.
3. Select a staffing agency that fully reviews their candidates
Nowadays, prospective candidates need full reviews to make sure they are a good fit for the job. This includes looking over a resume, reading a cover letter, doing an interview or two, and checking out the candidate?s social media accounts. Without a full picture of the potential candidate, you may not know who you are really hiring. When it comes to social media, more than 90% of recruiters are already including this in the list of things they review prior to meeting with a candidate. You may learn something important from their social media accounts that is left out of their other information. On the one hand, it could be information that makes you turn down the candidate. On the other hand, you could review information that made you want to meet with the candidate that much more.
Has your company ever used staffing agencies to find potential employees before? Was it more efficient than trying to hire on your own within the company? Let us know about your experiences using staffing agencies in the comments.