Modular construction has many benefits, especially when it is placed in a direct comparison with some of the more traditional methods of construction that are available in our world. For more and more people, modular construction, such as is used to create everything from prefabricated offices to warehouse partitioning systems to hotels, is becoming a viable option.
But why, exactly, is modular construction so prevalent in our world nowadays, especially for the creation of buildings like prefabricated offices or in-plant modular offices? For one thing, the time it takes to construct a project using modular construction methods is a very short one indeed. This is due to the fact that a great portion of any modular project can actually be constructed in a factory setting, leaving only around 10% to 40% of the project to be completed at the actual site of the prefabricated offices (or whatever other kind of building is being made) in question. This, of course, saves a great deal of money at the end of the day. It is no wonder that the average modular construction project (such as the creation of prefabricated offices) costs as much as 20% (and no less than 9% less) than the average construction endeavor created through the use of more traditional forms of construction. And the proof of the speed of modular construction is something that can be seen the world over. As a matter of fact, a recent 57 story building built in the country of China was able to be completed, from start to finish, in a mere 19 days, something that would simply not be at all possible if more traditional means of construction had been employed.
And while this is certainly already compelling information, information that has led many to choose modular construction for projects such as prefabricated offices and more, there are actually even more benefits to choosing modular construction methods over more traditional ones. For another thing, modular construction methods are much easier on the environment than traditional methods, something that should not be overlooked or underestimated in terms of overall importance. For more and more people, focusing on the environment has become a key factor in their lives and modular construction is one such way to live out that value. But how exactly does modular construction benefit us and the planet?
One way in which this happens is through the reduction of energy usage that modular construction allows. During the construction process, modular construction methods use as much as 67% less energy than traditional construction projects of a similar nature. And the energy savings don’t end when the construction stops. Even once the building has been inhabited, overall energy costs tend to be considerably lower than buildings that have been built using some of the more traditional construction methods.
In addition to this, modular construction projects also use far less waste than construction sites using traditional methods will generate. In fact, the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) that is based in the United Kingdom has actually even found that up to 90% of waste can be reduced through the use of modular construction (in comparison to traditional construction methods). These waste products include not only cement, bricks, timber, and concrete, but wood pallets, shrink wrap, cardboard, and plasterboard. Preventing such products from ending up in a landfill is something that will immensely benefit our planet indeed, especially over the course of time.
And more and more professionals have begun to implement modular construction methods in their projects, certainly for structures like prefabricted offices but also for larger buildings, even hotels. As a matter of fact, Marriott International has even committed to construct up to 13% of their new projects through the use of modular construction, according to a pledge they took back in the year of 2017. And more than three quarters of all architects are now incorporating modular construction methods into their work, with as much as 84% of contractors and 90% of engineers doing the same. In the years that are ahead of us, these numbers are only likely to continue growing.
From prefabricated offices to hotels to even college dorms and medical centers, modular construction methods are very much climbing.