There are a wider range of jobs that may require the use of a load cell. Depending on the type of working you are doing, there are five diverse types of load cells that may be used. Which one you choose is dependent on the primary and secondary element that is used to sense the force. The five primary types of load cells are strain gauge load cells, hydraulic load cells, diaphragm load cells, spool type load cells, and ring type load cells.
Most common load cells utilize strain gauge technology because it has been well established as a reliable option. It has been actively used in the work place for over 40 years, and it is commonly taught, so most understand how it works.
Some may wonder how a load cell works. Load cells are often used as part of a weighting system due to their non-intrusive and amazingly accurate load measurement data. This data is installed and calibrated load cells routinely offer accuracy within 0.03 percent to 1 percent. You would be hard pressed to get greater accuracy with a different instrument.
Calibration is an important element to the overall accuracy. Properly calibrating an instrument refers to comparing the measurements of two instruments. One of the instruments has a known correctness, which is called the standard device. The second instrument is the one you are calibrating. The instrument being tested needs to be adjusted until it is equal to the standard device to assure proper calibration and accuracy.
There are many standards used to maintain the accuracy and dependability of load cell as well as standards that dictate how a load cell works. For example, some standards dictate that an instrument has to be re-calibrated at least once every two years in order to ensure accuracy. The more an instrument is used, the more often it should be re-calibrated because deterioration can significant and negatively impact the accuracy of the instrument.
The basics of how a load cell works are this. The load cell is a transducer. The transducer is used to create an electrical signal with a magnitude that is directly proportional to the force being measured. This allows for an accurate measurement of the force, which is essential for a wide range of practical and safety reasons.
A load cell is not an everyday measuring device for most people. However, within fields such as engineering, it is an invaluable tool that ensures designs and structures are built to meet all reasonable safety standards.