Shipping is costly. This is a basic fact both businesses and customers are all too aware of.
You can still find smart ways of pricing out your shipment and sending them out, no matter how large or small your orders. Less than truckload, or LTL, is widely considered one of the most convenient shipping methods today. Able to reduce strain on the environment with frequent stops while still giving customers what they need, this might just be the answer you’ve been looking for all this time. This isn’t to say global aerospace logistics won’t soon come into play, however. Before you pick out LTL freight companies to help you with 2019…
…learn more about transportation terminology and make sure you’re not missing a thing.
Did You Know?
Knowledge is power. Keeping up with your niche, particularly when it comes to shipping methods, will keep you one step ahead of the competition. Businesses need to save money and customers often use shipping as a ‘make it or break it’ decision when shopping. The LTL market today is estimated at an impressive $35 billion. In 2013 alone trucking transported over 15 billion tons of cargo, with the Bureau Of Labor Statistics reporting this figure will reach 18 billion tons by 2040.
What Is Less Than Truckload?
You’ll run into the term ‘less than truckload’ frequently on your way to smarter shipping. Designed to run smaller shipments between shorter destinations, the LTL method is perfect for small businesses and local brands. American e-commerce revenue is sitting at a pretty $425 billion and steadily climbing by the year. It’s been found at least 30% of mobile searches today are done for nearby businesses. That’s a simple equation that can be easily added up to swapping your shipping methods in 2019.
How Is The Transportation Industry Doing?
You don’t have to worry about the expedited freight company meeting your needs. Nearly 12 million trucks, rail cars, and locomotives move goods in and out of the transportation network every day. According to data by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, six million commercial motor vehicle drivers work night and day to bring you the best in transportation services. The expedited shipping service is designed to put the needs of the business as high as possible. In a short, a full package designed to send said package quickly and cleanly.
What Is The Value Of Freight?
The value of freight is starting to change. You can thank less than truckload methods for that. According to Satish Jindel — the president of the SJ Consulting Group — the length of haul has declined over the past few years. Public truckload carriers have reported an average length of haul dipping by nearly 5% between 2011 and 2016. The U.S. Department Of Transportation also expects the value of freight to increase from $885 per ton to nearly $1,400 per ton by the time 2040 arrives.
How Will Expedited Trucking Services Help Me?
You shouldn’t be using just any shipping methods. What can suit a large company just fine might be too expensive or frustrating for a smaller business…and vice versa. Spending in the U.S. logistics and transportation industry totaled a whopping $1 trillion back in 2015, now representing just under 10% of annual gross domestic product. In a short, this country is moving faster, harder, and better with the aid of varied shipping methods. What could less than truckload do to save you some money?
Reach out to an intermodal shipping consultant and find out while services are getting hotter.