What makes one website stand out from the other? It’s not just one answer.
Just like you don’t expect one feature to make a bag of chips pop out at you on the shelf, neither should you look at your website and hope it’s a single selling point that inspires a click. An attractive website that makes customers want to stick around and browse needs to have a wide variety of benefits. An easily navigable layout is a good place to start. An appealing color scheme can at least make sure their eyes aren’t hurting. One by one these pieces will fall into place, creating a striking whole that will result in the repeat traffic you need.
How do you enjoy all the benefits of a good website? You reach out to PPC management and ask about their custom built websites. Let’s look at the top five elements no website today should be without.
An Attractive Layout To Spark That Strong First Impression
First impressions are more powerful than second and third ones. This holds true even if the second and third impressions have more to offer! You don’t want to lose potential customers on the first click, so let a PPC management professional set you up right. A good layout for a website should be clean, organized, and tied together with a simple color scheme. This means no more than two or three colors at a time, with text that’s easy to read — anything less and you can kiss your potential farewell.
A Navigable Interface With Easy-To-Find Menus
Let’s expand on this point with a little thought exercise. Imagine what it’s like being a first-time customer interacting with your website. What are they most likely to look at first? This will give you some idea on what to tell your custom web design firm as they set up shop. Make sure your menus are easy to find, with bold buttons and clear instructions so your customers aren’t left wondering where the contact information is.
Mobile Optimization To Expand Your Reach
It won’t mean much to have a beautiful custom business website if only a few people can access it. Mobile optimization is one of your most powerful tools in cultivating a consistent user base, as most customers today actively browse products or services on mobile devices. This includes tablets, iPhones, you name it. A recent survey on mobile optimization found the vast majority of respondents stating they would actively switch to a different website if the page didn’t load or broke. Instead of driving people to your competitors, give them reasons to stick around.
Local SEO To Find The Right Customers Consistently
PPC management can also include a solid SEO strategy. Short for ‘search engine optimization’, this is a useful tool that uses keywords to direct customers to your business. Nothing is more frustrating than attempting to look up a certain product, only to be sent somewhere else entirely. Local SEO takes this understanding a step further, reaching out to people who live within a close radius of your shop. Since over 85% of a business’s repeat customers live five miles away or closer, this is a good metric to go by.
Slow Loading Times For A Brisk, Positive Experience
Think about the last time you went onto a website and became frustrated. What was the reason? For many today it’s a slow website that takes forever to load. This is often caused by memory hunger animated banners and pop-ups, taking up precious time that could instead be spent converting visitors to customers. Ask your PPC management professional how you can not just get money through a pay-per-click revenue, but also how fast your site is loading.
A fast website that’s accessible, attractive, and informative. It’s a recipe for success. Custom made websites with all of the goods can be yours when you talk to a professional that’s just as keen on your success as you are.