Building a structure can take a lot of planning, time, money, and energy. When you are in need of a structure that can be erected relatively quickly, but still be of good quality, you might be surprised to find that shipping container solutions could be the perfect fit. Shipping containers are used for many uses, from storage and transport to housing and office structures, to pipeline monitoring equipment enclosures and more. When you compare the costs of building with shipping containers to building with standard construction methods, you could find that the shipping container option could end up saving you as much as 40%. Not only are you saving money, but you are also saving time. On average, a typical housing structure will take somewhere between four and six months to complete. Alternatively, using a shipping container can diminish that work time to as little as two to three weeks, a significant decrease. Imagine the possibilities of building with shipping containers.
Many uses from one big steel box
The human mind is incredibly inventive and innovative. We as a species continue to imagine and create, building a world that our ancestors could hardly dream of. We are resourceful and can be quite efficient with our time and finances. There are times when it takes a bit of trial and error, or when the use of temporary materials are the best option for the time being, but in general, continuing to build better solutions benefits more people in the long run.
Take, for example, the typical job site trailer. These are often comprised of thin wood and vinyl materials, which rarely hold up against time and weather for too long. On average, these structures have a lifespan of about five years. On the other hand, shipping containers can often last around 25 years, and have an additional list of benefits. Though they do require some maintenance, it is usually minimal. Made of steel, they are durable, and resistant to the weather. They can be stacked on top of one another or neatly next to one another in rows, they often do not require the construction of a foundation, and they are easily movable. Whether you are building a home or a pipeline monitoring equipment enclosure, you can rest assured that you will have a stable and reliable structure.
The best choice for the job
Shipping containers are very versatile. When they are used for pipeline monitoring equipment enclosures, they are very infrequently visited or maintained, and they hold up just fine. On the other end of the spectrum, there are those who choose to create homes from these structures, and as they are lived in on a daily basis, they need to be trustworthy structures. Whether there is a lone unit or several connected to each other, shipping containers that are rooted on a foundation can stand up against 100 mph winds, and when they are anchored with pylons, they can stay strong in up to 175 mph winds. If you are in an area where there are tornadoes or hurricanes, having such a solid home will prove to be more than worth it.
Though they may seem small compared to a traditional home or office, you will have plenty of room to work with when you get your shipping container in place and completely set up. Standard containers of 20 feet hold 1,150 cubic feet of space, or the equivalent of over 3,500 shoe boxes, and a 40 foot container consists of 2,700 cubic feet, or well about 8,400 shoe boxes. You can make it work, and your container will work for you, whether it is to be used as your home, office, or a remote pipeline monitoring equipment enclosure.